Joe Sugg*Snapchat

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"I'm gonna miss you so much" I said to my boyfriend, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and giving him a tight hug.
"I'm gonna miss you too love"
I felt my eyes water, but I had to realize that it was only for a little bit, and my family needed me back in the United States.
We both pulled away from the hug.
"I love you so much Y/N" Joe said.
"Ugh stop your gonna make me cry"
Joe and I never spend this much time apart from each other.
Joe laughed and cupped the sides of my face.
"I'll call and text you everyday I promise" he said, then kissed me (for quite awhile I may add)
"Ok" I sighed. "I love you I'll see you soon"
I kissed him again and grabbed my backpack.
I know if I looked back at him I would begin to cry again, so I didn't look back and began to walk towards my flight section.
I sat down on my seat in the plane.
Already a text from Joe. I smiled to myself. It was just 'xxx'
I smiled and sent the same thing back.
The plane took off, and I put in my headphones and began to listen to music.
I landed back in my hometown in California.
"Hey!!" I exclaimed, walking towards my mom and dad after landing.
We all hugged and talked for awhile and than headed back to the house.
I walked inside the house and I felt like I was 15 again.
After I unpacked for a little bit, we went out to dinner and came back home.
I sat down in my old bedroom, and fixed my old stuffed animals and the pink blankets.
My phone than dinged. I picked it up. It was a Snapchat from Joe.
I smiled and opened it up. It was a cute video of him listening to one of our favorite songs 'Cherry Cola'. He tossed his hair back and forth, than pushed it out of his face. He than smiled and danced to the music, which made me laugh out loud. (cuteness video above)
I smiled and sent him a selfie, saying "I already miss you so much"
Joe replied with "I love you xxx"
Everyday that I was gone in Cali, Joe would sent me those cute little snap chat videos. They made me smile and miss him less, but I still wanted to see him in person again.

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