Jack Maynard*Dancing

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"I'm gonna miss you!" I yelled to my mom and I headed to go board the plane.
"It's only a few weeks I'll be home soon!!" I yelled again, laughing.
She waved goodbye and I headed on to board the plane. A plane to London, England. I got a window seat, and watched as I left (place you live in).
"Goodbye (place you live in) Here I come London" I thought to myself. The buildings grew smaller and smaller, until all I could see was clouds.
I grabbed my suitcase excitedly, and quickly sped to go get a cab to my hotel. I was in the place of my dreams, London England.
Soon after I grabbed the cab, I came to my hotel. It was already 10 pm, but I wanted to go enjoy the night.
"Club it is!" I said outloud. I threw on a random dress, than texted my mom telling her I was ok. I was over 20 years old now, but my mom never stopped worrying about me.
I went into the club, which was filled with music and lots of people. I went over to the bar, and grabbed "just a water"
"Are you crazy?" the bartender said, motioning angrily to all the drinks they add.
"Yes, water please"
He rolled his eyes and handed me a water.
I went over to the dance floor, and began to dance to the music. I looked up, feeling a pair of eyes on me. A young, cute guy, probably about my age, was watching me, smiling. He pushed his hair away from his face, smoothing it back. He was up on the DJ table, controlling the music.
He got off the DJ booth, leaving the music to play on its own. He whispered to another guy next to him, than walked towards me.
"Hey" he said. "Do I know you?"
I grinned. "Don't think so"
"That sucks, well now I know you, lucky me" he face palmed. "That was the worst pick up line ever, I think I messed it up"
We both laughed.
"It was pretty bad" I replied, still laughing. "But I would've been even worse"
He looked down and smiled. A new song came on.
"Want to dance?"
My stomach fluttered. "I would love too"

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