Oli White*First Holiday

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"Are you excited Y/N?" Oli exclaimed, facing his camera towards me.
"Yes!" I said, kissing Olis cheek.
He smiled and shut off his camera.
"I can't wait" Oli said.
An announcement came over the airport speakers.
"Flight to the Bahamas is loading up right now"
"That's us" I said, getting up from the lounge and grabbing my backpack and bag of chips.
I let the white sand run in between my toes. The ocean breeze hit my face, and the turquoise water splashed against my feet.
"It's beautiful Oli" I said, hearing him come behind me.
"I just love being here with you"
I smiled and stood next to him.
"I can't believe this is our first holiday together in 2 years"
"I know right" Oli replied.
We stood in silence for a few seconds... Then Oli swept me off my feet, and ran towards the ocean.
"Oli no!" I yelled. We both laughed as he ran into the waves.
I pushed my hair out of my face and looked at Oli.
He grinned at me and kissed me.
"Let's vacation"
He dropped me into the ocean and then dived in himself.

Another quick one, but what a cute first vaca together... right? ;)

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