Dear boy who I love

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Dear boy who I love,

I stayed up tonight to not only talk to you but to explain something to you.

Writing is something that I've always thought could never be taken away from me. I'd laugh at all the fools who'd think writing is a trend and that I'm following. It's something I've never thought about getting better at because I've never wrote to impress people. I take my emotions and thoughts and create some fantasy and scenario to make sense of it all.

Inspiration can go so far and I think that is absolutely beautiful in every sense of the way. As I, I've never found inspiration in the person themselves but through their words and actions.

Boy who I love, this letter that I will never send might be over the top but I just wanted to let you in my head.

Boy who I love, when you glance at my scars do you ever realize there are no new?

Boy who I love, do you know how long I've been siting on my hands?

It's mind boggling at how something can break the human heart so quickly. Not make you feel a thing. I've learned to stand up for my pain even if I can't feel my happiness. It's sad and disturbing to think that after so many high expected tomorrow's, you begin to realize it may never be ok again. That tomorrow is today and this is our life.

You, boy I love, have taught me to feel again. To rid me of my numbness. I used to believe that life was unfair. Boy who I love, it is fair because it is unfair to everyone.

"To love is to be vulnerable."

I'll write soon.


The daisies in my eyes and the butterflies in my belly.

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