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So, my mom hit me today for the first time in months. I'm not exactly sure what to do. I mean, I'm ok so no big deal. I'm scared it will get bad again and she'll actually leave a bruise. I don't want to attempt suicide but if it means getting locked away and labeled as crazy, I'll do anything to get away from her. My little brothers are used to me crying and begging her to stop. They just sit there like I'm not shaking in fear.

My mom says it's normal for a parent to hit their child when they don't listen and so I believe her. I shouldn't have asked to hangout with the boy today. I shouldn't have spoken when I wasn't talked to. I shouldn't have did the thing wrong when she said I wasn't doing it correctly. It's weird when a teacher asks "where did that bruise come from?" And you have to lie because the bruise is so big you can't really avoid it.

All my mom is doing is being a parent. So it's ok.

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