Chapter 1 -What the hell

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It was a regular morning for Amy, she got up and had her usual morning routine which consisted of throwing an alarm clock at the wall, brushing her teeth, washing her pale face and brushing her short, acorn colored hair. She put on her backpack and was ready to go to hell itself-school. She sighed as she walked out of her little home. It was going to be a long day of bullying.

Of course she told the teacher, but what could she do? The kids that were bullying her were the children of the school principal, the doners and famous lawyers.
So Amy was going through this all alone

When she got there, she tugged her sleeves as she felt them being close. Picking up her pace she decided to try and get away before they come closer, but her attempts resulted in failure and the one she feared put his hand on her shoulder.

"Oh h-hi Mark didn't see you there" she greeted the tall boy that stood next to her gripping her shoulder

"How many times did I tell you to call me Lord you bitch?" he whisper yelled at the small girl making her flinch.

She didn't remember such thing so she just smiled nervously as she scratched her neck



"Well, well, look at what we have here, it's the biggest idiot out there" a certain idiot said
"Oh h-hi" the girl greeted back shyly
"My name's Mark, but lord to you"
Oh look at that rock- the girl turned her gaze to the ground, completely ignoring the shouts of the male
"You will call me Lord or suffer the consequences"
You know this rock looks nice, I want throw it somewhere- she tilted her head- he would be a good target
I think someone is talking to you- a voice in her head said
I wonder if my hair is greasy I didn't wash it this morning- she turned her attention to her short, chin length bob hairstyle
"Do you understand" he yelled
Damn he's loud- the voice in her head whined
He's giving me a headache- Amy thought a little annoyed
"Oh yeah, sure" what did he say anyway?

~~Flashback end~~

"What when did that happen?" She muttered in fear

• Time skip bc why not •

Amy was heading home after the long day at school. She started running so she doesn't bump into the Lord of the idiots. Her short, acorn colored hair swayed at the wind as the light breeze cooled down her warm, delicate body.

When she got home she checked every room to see if her parents were in the house. She was trying to avoid them because her mother was a substance abuser and got violent ever so often and her father was at work most of the time, but when he got home he would fight with her mother and then sleep in Amy's room, making her sleep on an uncomfortable couch that doesn't even fit her and made her an easy target to her mother's assault.

They're not home- she thought
Great so what do you wanna do- the voice in her head asked her
Watch some Naruto I guess since they're not home
Ok let's do it!!!
The voice in her head cheered.

Amy didn't know if she had mental health issues or just a big imagination, but she did know that she had a voice in her head and it loved watching the anime Naruto. After a day or two she got totally hooked.

time skip •

Amy went to bed as soon as she heard the door open. She hid inside her covers trying to fall asleep. With a quiet, sleepy voice she said
"Oh how I wish that I was in Naruto, for me to start all over again with no one hating me, I don't care what would happen. I just want to leave this place"
Her eyes got teary before closing and taking her to deep slumber

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