Chapter 8 - Chunin Exams pt 2

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So I was waiting for everyone to finish. And waiting. And waiting... This was really boring I had no one to talk to an..

"Looks like we're not first huh" Temari said. Kankuro was looking at the walls or something and Gaara was there just standing

"Hello" I replied sweetly

"It's the girl that beat you up, isn't it Kankuro?"

"I wasn't fighting back"

"Sure you weren't" it's going to be interesting to listen to them fighting

•The best time skip ever 🎶•

So more people came. Temari and I are now really good friends and Kankuro is still mad for the time I used the ice kunais jutsu on him. I've gotten really close to them but I'm not so close to Gaara so now I'm going to find him so we can be friends

Sometimes I wonder myself what the hell am I thinking

As I was walking and thinking about what to say to Gaara so he'll be my friend I bumped into someone

"Oww. I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" I looked up to see Gaara... He looked at me for a couple of seconds and just started walking away. Crap

At least I found him?

"Anyway I was just going to look for you. And since it's the last day of the exam we could go get some dangos"

"No thank you"

"Please, I want you to be my friend" as I remember Gaara was bad because he didn't have any friends so let's fix that


"But come on, why not"

"I d..."

"Please?" This will make him

He straight up just walked away. What the hell?!

"When?" oh I didn't expect that

"After the exam I guess"

And he continued to walk away...
But maybe if he has a friend he won't release the Shukaku in the Leaf

Why do I keep making plans, but never try to make them become reality?

And I continued walking but I wouldn't be Akira if I didn't bump into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going"

"It's okay. Anyway I'm TenTen and these are Neji and Rock Lee"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Akira"

"You are extremely beautiful my youthful flower! Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Eh? We just met. And I swear I heard you say that to Sakura" I don't know how Neji and TenTen keep up with him

"You are saying no, but I know what will change your answer"

He started blowing hearts... And suddenly the two ice kunais spawned and started protecting me

"Geez Lee, you can stop. She even used a jutsu" TenTen to the rescue

"Never, how about now?" He started blowing hearts even faster

Am I becoming Sakura 2.0???

"That's enough Lee. She clearly isn't interested" he became sad and emo

"It's just destiny Lee, anyway thanks for saving me Neji" and I gave him my warmest smile "I have to go now, bye"


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