Chapter 19 - End of the line

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Akira POV

We are now going to meet a spy to tell us about Orochimaru's plans


There's this asshole tagging along that annoys the crap out of us all, and by now has called me purple guy...
Like come on
A guy?
I mean if I had short hair I would look like a guy but still

We are currently in a house? I don't really know, Yamato sensei made it with his wood style. Everyone's asleep and I'm here like an idiot outside looking at the stars because I can't seem to fall asleep.

"Having fun?" An unknown voice asked

"Huh!? Who's there?!" I  asked/demanded

" That's not important. The important thing is that you're going home"

" But .. It's a mission"

" It seems that you have forgotten the fact that you come from a different world. That dog of yours lied that you belong here"

" What do yo-"

" Say goodbye" as soon as the voice said that a blinding light appeared

"What the-"  I started when I felt pain in every part of my body

My head was pounding and it felt like someone cracked it open

I couldn't do anything but scream in agony before I lost conciousness

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I'm no longer where I was

"Teri?" There was no answer

I got up and looked down realizing that I'm naked

I quickly covered myself with the blanket...

Wait blanket?

I looked around and realized that I'm in a room

I took some of the clothes on the bed and put them on. While doing so memories of my life before going in Konoha or the Naruto verse came to me.

"What is going on?" I asked myself as I started shaking.

The door to my room opened revealing my mother

"A-Amy?" She stuttered

"M-Mom?" I looked at her

Unexpectedly ahe ran up to me and hugged me?"

" Mo-" she cut me off

" You were missing for four years" she started crying " where have you been"

" I-I I um.. u-um.." i started stuttering

" Let's just say

On an adventure"

I smiled with tears in my eyes
I'm going to miss my friends

Ok so sorry for not updating
I was busy and all
This is really the end, and I ended it terribly
I wanted to end it randomly at the beginning of Shippuden so I can make a sequel
Like randomly disappearing and reappearing at the worst time and being a lazy jerk

So there will be a sequel
I'm not leaving this book with a bad ending ya know

So hope you enjoyed this chapter

And I'm awfully sorry for it being short with only 366 words

Also I'm thankful if any of the people reading this reached the end of this really bad fanfic


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