Chapter 11- the bet

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So they want lady Tsunade as the fifth Hokage and she declined so something happened and now she has a bet with Blondie that she will give him his necklace if he learns the rasengan..

What the hell did I miss? How did we get to the part where she gives him his necklace? And isn't that the necklace that accepts only her to wear it? Well I don't care.

So about the new jutsu that I've been working on, it's nothing like the rasengan hehe I missed my goal..
But it doesn't matter because since I use water and ice style jutsu's my new jutsu consists of ice wings that are purple because they use so much chakra that I use Teri's chakra. They practically are the same as the butterfly of death but they shoot needles that are pretty bigger... Much bigger, and when they touch flesh they expand. I can use this jutsu one time a day or was it a week? K don't remember,but hey it's a pretty good jutsu.

I'm now at the training grounds trying to learn the rasengan myself because I want to prove myself to lady Tsunade

Pfftt I couldn't learn it. You are underestimating me

I am now trying to pop a rubber ball. The water balloon was easy considering the great chakra control and that I knew that I needed to move my chakra both ways  it only took me 3 days

"Oh hey Akira"

"Naruto" I nod

"Are you trying to learn how to do the rasengan?"


"Let's train together, I'm on the third step"

"Okay" I need to add more chakra and move it faster

It's working, it's working, it's working!!

and it didn't work. Ok stay focused, ignore everything, and. Concentrate on the balloon

•Time skip•

After 8 days or so I finally popped the rubber ball. Phew I thought I really couldn't do the jutsu, but it turned out I needed to add more chakra and speed. Hehe even if I did it once it was still less chakra than I needed

So now the balloon.

•Time skip•

Looks like after a week I finally did it. I was so focused on doing it that I missed a fight with Orochimaru and Kabuto, I missed Naruto getting fake kidnapped and Shizune transforming into sensei and I missed when Sasuke woke up and I didn't even know that he was in the hospital, Kakashi woke up as well. And lady Tsunade was stuck with her paperwork.


I finally managed to finish with the rasengan. It took me more time that Naruto and it's still uncompleted but it's okay.

So now I'm at the Hokage's office

"Sensei I mastered the rasengan"

"What? How?"

"Look" I made it and threw it ate the wall making a bit of damage

So little damage it looked like a little kid just threw a hammer

"That's great, so is there something else you need?"

"Yes" I say frowning a bit. I'm planning on convincing her to let me be a spy for the leaf

"What's wrong"

"I want to be a spy for the leaf and join the Akatsuki so I can get information on what are they planning. It's not a coincidence that Itachi Uchiha was spotted near the Leaf"

"Are you sure? I'm not worried about you because I know you're strong but.. do you really want to do this?"

"As long as you accept me back after some time. I will take this as a mission"

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