Chapter 2 -we're genin

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..that just means she is going to be able to awaken her Tenshi no me" (please don't mind the name I didn't think of anything better)

"Her what?" I ask

"Her kekkai genkai, Tenshi no me, it's the Savi clan's special ability, one can awaken it by learning over 300 jutsu's, and it's really worth it. No one has seen it in action, but we do have little information about it."

"So that means more training?" I hope not, she's really annoying

"Yes, because if the information is correct that means that she will be able to copy any ability that's around the eye, she will be able to copy the Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan and have her own power with it, but that power is unknown, there is a chance the information might be false. Also, you should know that the Savi clan is famous by the purple chakra"

"Purple chakra? It did seem weird"

"The Savi clan was very mysterious, but fortunately I had a friend from the clan. The clan members use the chakra of the ten tailed wolf, a tailed beast hidden from the people. Be careful, as the sole survivor of the Savi clan, Akira could be the jinchuuriki of it"

"Alright I will start her training tomorrow"

"Very well, dismissed"

Time skip•

Akira POV

I open my eyes to see an unknown place
Where am I?
Remember Kakashi, the Hokage?
Ohh.. riiiight


Let's go eat
As I walk into the kitchen I see Kakashi making breakfast, that's something new that never was in the show ... They should put it in, as a 16 year old in a 12 year olds body, I demand my fan service

Does this work like that?

"Good morning"

"Morning" I said while yawning "When am I supposed to go to the academy?"

"Somewhere six-ish"

"What? Six? Isn't it like nine?"

"Looks like it, anyways there's breakfast on the table and when you're back from the academy we'll go to the training grounds"

"Sounds good" I say sitting down.

I started eating my breakfast, I'm 3 hours late already it doesn't even matter now. I'm just gonna say a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the longer way. I'm stealing excuses wow.

Wow, I'm like a baby duck... I'm imprinting on Kakashi.. Is he my mother now?

I put my hair in a bun and put my ninja outfit. It was a short white kimono that was great for fighting and I had my shorts on. I don't know where it came from, but it did and I'm wearing it now.

I finally get to the academy and open the door to my classroom

Here goes nothing

"And because of Naruto missing the start of class we're all doing the transformation jutsu" oh shit what about me?

"Is this Iruka sensei's class?" Okay now for me being terribly late

"Are you the new student?" I nod shyly " You're 3 hours late"

"Well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the longer one"
He looked at me in disbelief before sighing
"Anyway will you introduce yourself"

"I'm Akira Savi" there were boys with hearts in their eyes, wow first I'm in Naruto and now I have fanboys

This is all so new and exciting!

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