Chapter 7 -The Chunin Exams

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He put Konohamaru down and looked at me straight in the eye..

"What are you going to do about it" I pressed the kunais a little next to his neck he started screaming in pain with blood dipping

"You know I'm the only one who can heal you" I said while smirking "And if I don't you'll go numb and die"

After I said that he fell to the ground

Oh my God that was perfect timing! It would've been so awkward if nothing happened

"K-Kankuro?" Temari was pretty worried

"He can still talk for about 30 seconds. If he apologizes for calling me a little girl I'll heal him"

"Sorry" I did a closed eye smile

"Was it that hard?" And healed him

He got up, Gaara said something and I didn't hear any of it because I was thinking about stupid stuff

"You identify yourself" Sasuke why ruin the silence?

Like it was almost a perfect moment to fall asleep while standing...

Can I do that? I'll try at home

"Who? Me?" Sasuke charms girls from other villages as well

"No, the guy with the gourd at his back"

"Gaara of the dessert. I'm also interested in you and the girl with the bun"

"Sasuke Uchiha"

"Akira Savi" why does everyone know me as the girl with the bun?

Is my bun the most recognizable feature I have?

Oh, now Sakura is going to ask the annoying question

"From your headbands I can see that you are from the village hidden in the sand. Even if the land of fire and land of wind are allies you can't just come in a village without a pass. So state your business."

"Sakura how dumb can you be? They're here for the Chunin Exams." I love calling people dumb and acting like I'm not

"Have you been living under a rock?"

"Apparently" I mumble staying in character

"What are the Chunin Exams?"

"Naruto I swear to God you're dumber" I just turned and walked away "I can't deal with this anymore"

To much acting cool for today, gotta go

As I was walking I noticed a familiar voice that was literally yelling

"I can't wait to kick Sakura's ass in the Chunin Exams" Ino...

"Hello there"

"Akira, what's up"

"Nothing, I just noticed how dumb one of my teammates is"

"So are you participating in the Chunin Exams?"

"Probably, I don't know"

"Well it was nice talking to you but I gotta go to the flower shop"

"Okay, bye"

That was surprisingly short

Wait! What if Kakashi doesn't recommend me? Well all the worries go away with some cloud watching

"Hey, do you want to watch clouds with me?"

"Sure" Choji agreed

"Why not" he didn't say what a drag, well then again he does like watching clouds

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