Chapter 6 -We met Zabuza

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Akira POV

Well Tazuna explained everything to us but I was staring at the.. well actually I was staring at absolutely nothing. Now it's time to meet Zabuza I guess, I keep forgetting things that are going happen like being here in this world is causing me to forget stuff from the other world.

"Get down!" Huh what?
Suddenly the two ice kunais jutsu activated itself. Weird.

"Akira get away from there" Kakashi yelled

"Fine" he's making me miss all the fun.

Why weren't you like that when I was sleeping at the training grounds ? Huh?

I start walking towards Tazuna and I find myself in a forest, hehehe I should pay more attention to what's happening.. I now see Haku with the mask

"I want some dangos" if I'm missing the fight I might as well be a brat

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm missing the fight so why not eat?"

"Wh... Nevermind"

I sit down, take a scroll, and summon some dangos. I'm always prepared

"What ar.."

"Are you going to sit down or what?"

"Alright" he sat down and we started to talk

Time skip to the end of the battle•

"Well we should do this again, don't you think?"

"It's a good idea. But now I need to get going"

"See you in a bit"

"Bye" and that my friend is how my lunch with the pretty boy ended

I went to the place where the fight was and I just set passed out Kakashi, a worried Sakura, and I really couldn't read Naruto and Sasuke's expressions

"Where the hell were you?" I'm guessing he's mad

"Having lunch with a pretty boy"

"What? While we were fighting?"

"Yes, Pinkie" Sasuke looked mad as hell, I even saw blood dripping from his palm. What the hell?

"Well let's get going, Mr Tazuna offered for us to stay at his place"


•The beautiful time skip•

Kakashi woke up and took us to the forest. I guess he wants to finally teach us something.

"I want you to climb a tree"

I started to walk up the tree, it was easy because the butterfly of death needs perfect chakra control something like medical ninjutsu.

"Climb a tree?"

"Yoo-hoo pinkie" this is going to be fun

"A-Akira when did you.."

"While you were asking about the training"

"When did you learn how to do this?" Kakashi is shocked

"The butterfly of death needs perfect chakra control so I guess this is easy"

After that Sakura climbed easily and went to the bridge while I wanted to practice medical ninjutsu because of the chakra control thing

"Yes!" I kinda yelled

"What is it?"

"I finally finished with the fish"

They sweat dropped at me. I pretty much have no idea how to learn this so it's quite the challenge

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