Chapter 4 -the bell test

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"That was tiring" Akira said while taking a deep breath

"Hn" replied Sasuke "Anyway, you said that if Sakura kissed Naruto and knew that I spent time with you that she would back of"

"Maybe. Why ask?"

"Well I think it'd be a good idea"

Sasuke POV

Maybe by fake dating her I could get rid of these feelings. I don't need friends

"Why's that?" Why is she asking so many questions

"I don't know, she's annoying, you're not so annoying.."

Akira POV

It's a good idea
But, Teri
Think about it, if falls in love with you than he will stay
Yeah, but..
But what
What if I mess something up and he doesn't marry Sakura like it's supposed to be?
Then he'll marry you, or you can just like Itachi and think of a jutsu that can save him and get a pair of eyes of course

"I'll do it!"

Flashback end

"Now we have to wait for Kakashi"

"And I need a pair of eyes!"

Everyone stared shocked and a little disturbed.. Yeah I need to learn not to say things outloud

At this point I fell asleep, and after what seemed like minutes I wake up to Sakura and Naruto yelling at Kakashi for being late.

I wasn't listening because I already know what he says being a huge fan of the show. Suddenly they all scattered.

"Damnit" I mumbled, then I went to the tree where Sasuke was.

"Wanna do this together?"

"No,..." He blabbered something about being an avenger..


So I went to Sakura

"Wanna do this together?"

"No, why would I want to help you? I'm looking for Sasuke"

For crying out loud. I went down from the tree and took Naruto by the collar of his jacket (not sure)

"Wanna do this together?"

"No, I can do this by myself" come on dude, you too?

After Naruto got out of the lake I started walking on the water, I learned it while training with my water style

I'm happy to say that I can finally use the jutsu I've been making. So I was standing somewhere near the middle of the lake and started to make handsigns

"What handsigns are those? What jutsu?" He stared at me shocked, I knew a jutsu that he didn't know

But it's not perfect so there can be some side affects

"Butterfly of death" I yelled water started rising from the lake and it formed a butterfly. The butterfly started shooting ice needles at Kakashi and a few hit him

Kakashi POV

Akira started to make some handsigns, but they weren't from any jutsu that I knew, I'm shocked. Did she make a jutsu on her own

"Butterfly of death" she yelled

What? Suddenly the water around her started to rise and it formed a butterfly. The butterfly started to shoot ice needles, I tried to avoid them but I couldn't, I raised my headband so I could use my Sharingan but it was no use the needles were too fast. Every scratch from the needles was stinging, after a while my body started to turn numb.

When I couldn't move my body anymore her eyes turned black with purple lines around her pupils in a random pattern.


"Her what?" I ask

"Her kekkai genkai Tenshi no me, it's the Savi clan's special ability, one can awaken it by learning over 30 jutsu's, and it's really worth it. No one has seen it in action but we have a little information about it"

"So that means more training?" I hope not

"Yes, because if the information is correct that means that she will be able to copy any ability that's around the eye, she will be able to copy the Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan and have her own power with it, but that power is unknown, there is a chance the information might be false."

Flashback end

So that's the Tenshi no me. Wait.. her eyes turned red. She used the Sharingan, but it's not with three tomoes, there is a different pattern.

Is she going to use Mangekyō Sharingan?

Akira POV

I was going to take those bells no matter what so I was ready to use tsukuyomi on him.. I am such a monster

Oh welp I'm going blind

I used it and he was tortured for 72 hours I think.. This is all just to weird

Sasuke POV

How powerful is she? Kakashi sensei revealed his Sharingan, but only Uchiha clan members can use the Sharingan. Is he?
Her eyes turned black, and then I saw the Mangekyō Sharingan. Is she?
Kakashi sensei started screaming in pain and collapsed, her eyes went back to normal she ran to him and took the bells. After that her eyes turned black again and she had activated the Mangekyō Sharingan and suddenly sensei gained opened his eyes and was panting like crazy he looked at her

"I got the bells Kakashi!" She cheered

"When did you aquire it?"

"When I finished making my jutsu" she was smiling as if nothing happened

She helped Kakashi sensei to stand because his body was numb from the butterfly

Then we saw Naruto tied to a stamp and a fainted Sakura.. Turns out that he sent clones to fight them, but he didn't send a clone to me. Maybe he was focused on the fight

Akira POV

I made a clone of the bells and gave the three real ones to Naruto, Sasuke and Pinkie

"But weren't there three bells?" Pinkie stop with the questions

"Yes" I replied shortly

"Who has the fake bell Akira" Kakashi asked
My bell disappeared

"Why would you take the fake one for yourself?" Pinkie keeps asking questions

"You are my teammates, and because all of you rejected my offer to work together I took the bells by myself and didn't give you a chance. This test was for teamwork and I just went by myself. So I don't deserve the bells, and even if I go back to the academy it doesn't matter because those who brake the rules are called scum, but those who don't care for their teammates are worse than scum. So I guess I'll see you next year after I graduate"

Now Kakashi has got to let me on the team... I hope?

I waved at them and started walking back to Kakashi's place. Honestly if I actually don't pass I'll be kind of sad

"Akira" huh Kakashi? "You... Pass"
I turned so fast that I would've broken my neck


Did he just say that I passed?
Probably why
Nothing, nothing

"I said, you pass"

"R-really??" Yasss

"Yes, but the rest of you" no don't fail them "don't worry about failing because you're dropped out of the program."

"What?" They all said at the same time

Then there was this big speach about how they all declined my offer and how teammates are important and then he gave them another chance.

They passed but it wasn't dramatic and all because after our fight he was badly hurt. After everything I asked Sasuke if he would want to train with me and for some reason pinkie tagged along.

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