Chapter 9 -Lady Tsunade

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"Then no"

"What!? Why"

"I don't want to"

"But wouldn't it be wonderful if you had a pupil? I already know basic medical ninjutsu"


"Then what about the pretty lady? Can she teach me?"


"Come on. Please? I won't be a bother, I mean after all I did to find you"

"What did you do to find me?"

"Draw a circle... But that doesn't matter. Please?"

"No" I remember that lady Tsunade goes by the nickname 'the legendary sucker'

"How about a bet?"

She raised her head "What do you have in mind?"

"If I can beat you in a fight you'll teach me" I smirk, I know damn well that I'm not going to be able to beat her
"But if I can't, you'll recommend me to a great ninja that can teach me and I'll never bother you again"

"I accept. I can beat you with one finger kid"

"I'm not like my teammate. I beat Kakashi all by myself"

"Don't get your hopes up"

"I'm not. I know damn well that I can't beat you in a fight one on one. Not even if it was one hundred on one, but this will be like training and even if I lose you'll have to recommend me to a great ninja so I can be their pupil." I smile warmly

"It's a win or win situation"

"You're smart" to that I smile warmer

"It's great to hear that from you"

So we're out to fight. I take her to the nearby lake

She's waiting for me to attack so I plopped down on the ground.

She looks so confused,  did she think I thought fight as in fight fight?

Well nevermind

"Since I don't know any games, who gets the higher number on the dice wins"

She looks confused, but still goes with it

She takes the dice and throws it. It rolls down to the lake

"Okaay" I put a hand in my kimono and take out another dice "I brought two"

So she rolls again and it lands on three

I smirk as I take the dice and roll it.

"Aha! Five! I won!" I shout

I usually suck at games, so this is fun

"I demand a rematch!"


Tsunade POV

She beat me.. How?
I lost to a little kid in dice rolling

In the night she went to sleep and I asked the Hokage about her. He told me she was from the Savi clan, that's why she beat me! The Savi clan were also famous for their good luck!
She's one hell of a kid

"Ohh my head" she woke up "what happened?"

"You don't remember the fight?"

"I do but why did I black out?"

"I don't know, maybe the dice rolling was to intense for you"

"What the-"

Akira POV

"Talking about the battle.. does it mean that you're going to train me now?" I hope she says yes


"Yes" I fist bumped in the air and she chuckled

•Time skip one month later•

So training with lady Tsunade wasn't really easy as I thought it would be. And because I already knew most of the stuff she thought it was a good idea to teach me the 100 healings jutsu. She talked about how I couldn't fight in the Chunin Exams because half of my chakra will go in the seal but I explained about Teri and with the help of Teri I now have a seal on my forehead. It's been a month so it's time for the Chunin Exams.

"Thanks for everything sensei" I say giving the biggest smile I could "hope I'll see you all again"

"I hope you become chunin"

"I hope so too. Well I've got to get going, I can't be late"

"Alright, goodbye"

"Bye" and with that I teleported to the arena

"Sorry if I'm late"

"You're right on time, don't worry" the new proctor told me

Now I stopped listening and thought about a plan, I was supposed to fight Dosu. Damn I wo..

"Huh? Akira, what's with the diamond on your forehead?" Someone interrupted my thinking

"It's a seal Naruto. I learned it from my sensei"


I feel more mature! I'm a bit taller and now I don't get satisfied with calling people stupid, the word now is crazy pervert...

Stuff happened, Naruto won, Sasuke's match was delayed, Dosu wasn't here so I ended up having to fight some grass ninja probably Kiku's teammate but I didn't bother remembering his name.

"How are you going to trap me in a genjutsu now huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well this time you can't trap everyone in here in a genjutsu can you?"

"No, not really. But I can always trap you in a stronger genjutsu."

"You wouldn't dare"

"Oh I would. But I won't"

"Why's that?"

"Because I have two options. The first one is to trap you in a stronger genjutsu and end this fight before it even starts. Or two, use all of the new skills I've got and prove myself that I'm fit to be a Chunin, physically and mentally."

"Where is the option where I kick your ass?"

"There isn't one"

"You're trying to scare me! You have no skill so you keep talking so I won't be able to notice that you have kunais at my neck or you've trapped me in a genjutsu"

I just hit the ground end I make a huge crater, and by huge I mean huuugee. It was probably 20 meters below the actual height of the ground was

Like dude, how did I do that? That's bigger than ever.. A lot bigger

Well let's just act like we know what we're doing

"What. Did. You. Say?" He looked shocked

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"W-wh.." before he could say something I activated the Tenshi no me and with it I activated the Mangekyō Sharingan
He started to scream in pain as I used
tsukuyomi on him. My eyes went back to normal and he collapsed

Yup, totally gonna go blind anytime soon

"The winner of this match is Akira Savi" the proctor announced as the crowd started cheering

I went up and sat next to Pinkie

"When did you learn to punch like that?"

"Well I was trained by the one and only Lady Tsunade" I said with a grin

"One of the three legendary Sanin? How did you get her to do it?"

"I was annoying the hell out of her"

She turned her gaze away from me

"Also she sucks at throwing dice" I mutter

Hope you liked it
Anyway who do you want her to end up with?

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