Chapter 13 -The rescue mission

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•Time skip to three years later•

Akira POV

So now I've grown pretty much. My hair is longer, lady parts have grown and I ditched the kimono that I was always wearing. My name in the bingo book is 'Ice Queen' a pretty weird nickname if you ask me. Three years have passed and I guess Naruto will go back only to find out that I'm now a rouge...

No tracker ninja are coming after me because Lady Tsunade maybe told them that I'm a spy for the Leaf. So I've given pretty much information about the Akatsuki's plans but not all of it because of course the guy I like is in the organization.. I've liked him for at least 2 years but never told him that. He probably doesn't like me back.

I go into the living room area

"Oi, bitch" I've gotten used to him calling me a bitch, I'm not trying to kill him anymore "Leader wants us to go on a fucking mission together"

"Oh joy" I say sarcastically

Apparently we have to eliminate a person that knows too much about the Akatsuki. I do the circle thing because I really don't want to go with Hidan

The person appears in front of us

"The Akatsuki huh"

"I'm leaving him to you" I wanted to kill him because he was spreading that I was some kind of whore but one time I killed the guy he wanted to sacrifice so I owe him this

"Where the fuck are you going?"

"I don't want to see the person I want to kill die by you"

"As if you can kill me whore"

I charge at him only to be stopped by Hidan's scythe

"He's fucking mine. Remember bitch?"

I go back to the base because why not.

"Weren't you on a mission?" A deep voice asked

"Hidan's killing him" I say frowning

"Hn" that always annoyed me

"I'm telling you art is eternal"

"It's an explosion" I hear Deidara and Sasori bickering.. they do this all the time, how aren't they bored yet?


"Huh?" I still space out hehe

"What do you think art is?"

"Something that keeps disappearing but it's always there" I sigh
"Now can you shut up?"

"It's a really stupid idea"

"Yeah, Sasori's thing is better than yours, un"

I sigh. This is annoying

•Time skip•

I was talking with the old man when there's an explosion. I ran out of the office to see what the hell happened

"Give Akira-chan back!" It's quite obvious who that is

"You know, she's here willingly" Sasori states

I sigh again

"Naruto" I say, he looks at me and smiles "have you checked out the bingo book?"

"No, why?"

"If you did you would've known that I'm here on my own will"



"You're lying"

"Why would I?" I appeared behind him and knock him out

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