Chapter One: Knowing of the Notting

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Make sure you've read the prologue first, or this will make even less sense than it already does... The format for this chapter is the kind of thing I intend for the whole story to follow, with mainly only these two characters. Bit of a different style for me, and I usually end up with so many characters I can barely count them, but not this time. Hopefully.

Anyway, I intend to regularly upload a new chapter for this book, one chapter a week, uploaded every Fiday/Saturday (it's only 4AM here so can I call it Friday?)

If you enjoy the experiment, vote and/or comment!


Chapter One: Knowing of the Notting

Private Notes of Dr. Kel Singel, 23.08.1028

Dae Carter is going to be a challenge, I believe.

She’s an odd case, as we actually know why her psyche has become fractured, and it’s decidedly less complex than childhood abuse. However, that makes it far more difficult to unravel. She unraveled when she looked at the Simulacrum Futurum. Apparently she was a translator there, and discovered that what she was working on, was her own life. So she wanted to know why it was recording so much of her life. So she looked at it unguarded, and a few moments before she turned to an oddly fractured way of speaking coming from an incoherent perspective, she recorded a few pages of the same symbols that appear on the Simulacrum, and so they are trying to translate what she has discovered, but the role of restoring her to the best that she can be falls to me and my staff.

Carter is a different sort of patient.

Until she opens her mouth, or begins writing in her diary, she appears to be have perfect mental health. She behaves as one would expect of anyone, appears to simply be a slightly shy girl.

However, anything she says requires a certain amount of translation, and even then there are parts of her speech which is completely unintelligible.

She is quite a handful however, she caused a fight within a few moments of arriving.

What follows is a transcript of what she said to one of the orderlies.

You be not wife.

Wife of the notting of family value!

You be knowing of the not of her tail be chasing!”

He understood what she meant, and was supremely angry that she would say that his wife was an adulteress, and so told her to go away in no uncertain terms, and so she did. She feinted, apparently to her, going to another world, a world which she can control. However, the other patients thought he’d attacked her, and so retaliated.

It almost caused a riot.

However, unfortunately, it turns out that Dae Carter was correct in her assertion.

A small piece of information gleaned by seeing the Simulacrum Futurum? Or a lucky guess caused by her psychosis?

I hope that it does not become necessary to isolate her, because that would, in all likelihood, cause her psychosis to deepen.

However, I have a feeling that time is of the essence to help her break through her psychosis and find some semblance of calmness in her life.

Friday, 23rd August, 1028 M.E.

Notting of the free!


It’s the cage, be not seen.

Be not seen!

Dae want be free!

Dae not be free here.

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