Chapter Six

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"I hate Christmas." Savannah muttered to Cheryl, "I hate it, I hate it."

"Well I love it." Cheryl said to her friend, swinging her hands by her sides. "It's festive and... it was JJ's favourite holiday."

"Sorry, Cheryl." Savannah paused to turn to her friend. "How are you doing? You know, with Jason and that scumbag -"

"Let's not mention his name." Cheryl cleared her throat. "I'm doing much better. I have my friends, and I just want to put it all behind me."

"I can do that." Savannah nodded and the two smiled at each other. "I actually have something to give you."

She paused to put her crutches against the wall, and dug into her backpack. She reached in for a very thin parcel that was wrapped in red wrapping paper, and tied off with a silver boy.

"Here." Savannah held it out to her, "I'm your Secret Santa."

Cheryl looked taken aback, but took the gift all the same. She started to unwrap the gift, holding the wrapping paper in one hand as she unravelled it completely.

It was a certificate for the naming of a star. Cheryl felt her eyes start to water as she looked at the name: Jason Blossom. Savannah had decided that it would be nice to name a star after him so that he was always looking out for her.

Cheryl looked up at Savannah, who was smiling as if waiting for her reaction. The red-haired girl threw her arms around her, an act that wasn't very Cheryl Blossom, and whispered into her ear, "Thank you."

"Of course, Cheryl." Savannah hugged her back tightly.

The two girls broke apart and made their way into the common room where everyone was starting to hand out their Secret Santa gifts. Cheryl sat down in the empty seat next to Kevin, while Savannah decided to throw herself down into Jughead's lap.

"Santa." She started looking up at the ceiling as if in thought, "This year, I want a pony, my own car, a brand new wardrobe... oh, and a really sexy, brooding, bad boy, Serpent boyfriend."

"Want me to set you up with Sweetpea?" Jughead joked, the girl looking at him and swatting at his arm. "Who was your Secret Santa?" He whispered into her ear.

"Wasn't you anyway." Savannah told him, looking at the sweatshirt that Kevin had given him. It was like one of his 'S' shirts but thicker and much more useful in the winter. "Nice idea."


"I got Cheryl." Savannah told him, and they left it at that.

They watched as Veronica deflated at Archie's gift to Betty. He had found a record that they used to listen to when they were five years old, and she was ecstatic when she uncovered his gift. It was a meaningful gift, showing how long and strong their friendship was.

"Thank you, Arch." Betty smiled at him, the boy smiling just as widely back at her.

Kevin spoke up, clearing his throat. "Savannah, open yours."

Savannah locked eyes with Betty, the blonde's smile disappearing suddenly, replaced with guilt. She had been Savannah's Secret Santa, and had gotten her gift well before the whole showdown at the Whyte Wyrm.

The brunette leaned forward, feeling Jughead's hands slide down from her waist to her hips as she did. The gift was wrapped in gold paper, so neatly that Savannah almost felt bad when she ruthlessly tore it open.

It was a copy of 13 Reasons Why, the book.

The two girls linked eyes, both of them remembering how that day after Jughead left, they had binged the entire show. Savannah had willingly went back to the beginning of the season to watch Betty's reaction to the whole thing.

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