Untitled Part 20

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Chapter 20 

The prideful emperor was slightly startled to hear his words.

During the destruction of the Chu family a decade ago, Mo Jiu Shao discovered a flustered young boy in the sea of fire.

He brought him back to the Thousand Phoenix Peak and carefully raised him for ten years, and what for?

Those who were familiar with Mo Jiu Shao would know, he simply enjoyed nurturing things, he liked to create something beautiful by himself, it was similar to people with hobbies of raising plants, except he enjoyed raising people.

Because compared to plants that have no feelings, fickle humans were way more interesting.

And after raising him to the perfect age, what he anticipated for was the thrill of completely destroying them.

The more perfect they were, the more beautiful it will be when they were crushed.

The more pure they are, the more amazing it will be when they are corrupted.

Undoubtedly, the young man in his arms has already ripened into a delicious fruit that will allow him to taste great happiness, however......he did not wish to destroy him so early.

The emperor of pride lowered his gaze and gave a warm peck on his forehead, his voice was soft and alluring:"Could you let me continue what you weren't able to finish?"

Chu Mu Yun raised his head and looked at him, his dark eyes glazed with a layer of mist, but he refused to let his those tears flow:"Father, please tell me who it is, who......"

The Chu family's final destruction was definitely a needle stabbing at Chu Mu Yun's heart, just a slight mention of it would send a jolt of pain through his skin and bones.

Mo Jiu Shao sighed:"I had always been reluctant to tell you in the past because you were young, and I as worried you would be impulsive."

"Who is it!"Chu Mu Yun clutched his robes, the knuckles of his curled fingers started to pale, it was clear that he was trying very hard to suppress his hate and unwillingness to resign himself:"I can no longer practice the sword, I will never be able to reach the ninth form of the Shao Yue style......Father, please tell me, I'm begging you, tell me!"

The young man's gesture of forbearance made him feel pity, Mo Jiu Shao gave him a comforting kiss:"I'll tell you, but you have to listen to me, you have to wait for me to make the proper arrangements, alright?"

"Yes!"Chu Mu Yun watched him without blinking.

"It's 'Wrath'."

Hearing this title made Chu Mu Yun stunned, the colour drained from his face and a dense colour of despair painted through the depths of his eyes.

Mo Jiu Shao lowered his voice in pain:"If it was anyone else, I would've avenged you directly, I would never let him go free for a decade, however......"

He did not need to finish, nobody in this world did not know the emperor of wrath —— Ling Xuan.

He was the most demented lunatic to walk the demon realm, he has travelled through the entire demon realm fantasizing obsessively about fighting, he had exceptional talent and his cultivation could be considered the greatest in the world.

And what was even more frightening was his extremely trained and keen awareness in combat, as well as his insane persistence to obtain victory, it was easy to imagine how frightening it was.

"I can see why you were reluctant to tell me, father."Chu Mu Yun muttered

The disparity between him and Ling Xuan was too immense, the reason Mo Jiu Shao had him practice the Shao Yue style until its ninth form wasn't to point out that the him at that time was not somebody who could take the culprit on as an opponent, but instead it was to allow him to lose his immaturity of being a 'newborn calf that did not fear tigers' after he reached that world, and only then would he be able to clearly see the true difference between the two of them.

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