Chapter 2

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I got up early to attend my job. I'm a real estate agent at a big company just around the city, I buy and sell lands and properties.

At exactly 7:30 I entered through the office, the space now getting louder as people become busier. It makes me feel uncomfortable but I've had endured it for the past two years. Why give up now?

As always, I was ordered around and time came that I needed to go somewhere to check on this one building that someone wants to sell, I headed there as fast as I can because I hated being late. Tardiness won't result to something.

This one woman wanted to sell her house at a small cost. She named herself Stella. She said she lost her husband just two weeks ago and everything around here brings back old memories. Must be so tough for her.

I eyed her carefully. She had dark circles proudly revealing underneath her eyes and she had wrinkles in her face already even though she's still in her 30's. A look of exhaust is visible in her face as though she had worked for 50 years straight.

Damn, she needed to rest.

The contract was made and everything was settled up. Before she turned away, I asked her something.

"So, may I know if you have somewhere to stay at now that your home is now gone?"

She eyed me suspiciously. "Of course. I have a sister only a block away, and she and her husband is very well generous to let me stay at them."

I smiled. "Well, that's great. Hope you'll finally find some peace in your life, and, you really need a rest." I commented.

"I sure do." She replied before heading out.

Yeah, you sure do.

On the following day, I went to the block she was talking about, there were only few residents there and it wasn't hard to spot her. She was still wearing that overly-exhausted look when I saw her go out with another woman.

The next day came and I decided I should carry out my mission already. When I was sure her sister headed out to somewhere, I snuck at their house later that night using an opened window in the kitchen. I silently walked around careful not to make a single noise.

When I was sure no one was here downstairs, I headed upstairs, checking every room to verify where the woman was.

At the end of the corridor, I opened the door and gladly, I saw Stella sleeping soundly in her bed, holding unto something. When I stepped near her, I grabbed what she was latching unto and saw that it was a picture with her and a man, looking at the camera with the sweetest smiles. I figured out that it must be her dead husband. She still can't get over it.

I shot my eyes at her when she moved, then suddenly her eyes opened and our gazes met.

She then let out an ear piercing scream which I abruptly stopped by using my hand to block her mouth. She tried to stand up but I, who was practically stronger, turned her around so she couldn't use her feet nor her hands. I buried her face unto the pillow and was about to tie her hands when the door shot open and a man came to me and punch me in the face. I was nearly knocked out but I held unto my consciousness and returned to him a powerful blow in the stomach. He went stumbling to the ground and I used that opportunity to run, forgetting Stella and going out of that room.

The man still hasn't given up yet and chased me, little old man had a knife with him and lunged at my back while still running for me. He hit my lower back and it hurts like hell but I managed to get out of that fucking house before the police came.

I ran all my way to my car just two houses away and drove until I was nearly two blocks away from that house. I felt the pang of pain from my lower back hit me again and I cringed. I quickly removed my face mask and let myself breathe fresh air.

I was thankful I always wore a facemask whenever I carry out my plan.

But dang, my wound really hurts. And I'm about to lose enough blood to make me unconscious. So, without further ado, I sped up to the nearest hospital. I nearly passed out in the middle of the road because of blood loss.

When I saw the hospital building, my vision became blurry and seemed to swirl. I couldn't almost see where I'm going to until I felt the car come in contact with one of the parked cars, then I passed out.

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