Chapter 6

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The bastard stood up again and offered me a punch but I wouldn't risk my body getting hurt again.

I again kicked the knee I've kicked earlier which made him fall down. He was gonna scream again and boy, I don't want his sleeping wife to add to this commotion. I plunged my knife to his throat to keep him silent.

He stared at me with wide eyes before choking and half-coughing.

"You should learn how to silence yourself or others will do it for you." I told him and went to get Stella.

I passed by the dead man named James and walked out the back door, victory plastered on my face.


I went to the hospital I've been at the past day, I don't know but I'm itching to see her.

I passed by an old man smoking, a lot. I coughed as I walked through him. He looks sickly already and he still has the guts to smoke? Humans never learn.

I went near a nurse and asked her, "Miss, do you know a nurse named Sheanne Walter?"

"Oh, Sheanne. She has been working here for a month but she needs to go back to school."

"Go back to school?" Isn't she finished already?

"Yes sir. She still need to shift her course to be a doctor. What can she do for you, sir?" The nurse quietly asked me.

"Uh, none. But, can I ask where she studies at?"

"Mm, let me check." She scrolled through her phone for a bit then told me. "Uhm, sir, I forgot but, it's already a private information and we can't give it to you unless you're a patient of hers."

"I WAS her patient. You can go check." I said and smiled at her.

She eyed me weirdly before checking. "Okay sir, seems like you really were her patient. She studies at that university two buildings away from here, enjoy your day sir."

I nodded at her and went out, seems like I can go visit her once my job is done.

I attended my job and luckily my boss wasn't so nosy to ask why I had my injury.

I went home and visited my basement. There, Stella was sleeping soundly.

I went up the kitchen and cooked some food, then I woke her up to feed her. I trusted her not to run away so I untied her so she could eat freely. I offered her the plate but she eyed me then pushed the plate away before kicking my balls.

"Argh! Damn you!" I screamed in agony as I watched her run up the door. I dropped to the floor and waited. I'm sure she won't get out of the house so I stayed like this for a while until the pain subsided.

I then went up and looked around.

"You wanna play hide and seek eh? Okay, your wish is my command." I said and smirked.

I walked slowly around my house, I know every detail of it and she won't last for long.

I walked up the second floor and searched every room, too bad, she wasn't there.

I was walking down the stairs again when I saw something move from down there.

"Stella, you should have hidden yourself very well." I said and made my way down.

I silently walked through the bottom-back part of the stairs and peeked.

"Booyah." I startled her and she screamed.

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