Chapter 7

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I was panting hard when I finished my job. I threw the shovel I used and used a clean cloth to take the dirt off my hands.

Now woman, you're in peace now.

I went to my car and drove off.

I needed to go to the university she's studying at. I needed to see that smile. I don't know but something about that smile kept bugging me.

I admit I'm irritated at how she could smile when life's a piece of shit but, there's something, argh. There's something I can't explain.


I'm now at that woman's university. I remember the other nurse talking about her studying medicine again. So she should be in that department. 

I walked with the crowd and even though I'm really pissed about walking with so many people, this will help me not look suspicious.

I found the building and looked at my watch.

4:30 pm.

She should be going home now.

I waited for a bit then slowly students began rushing out of the building at a little past 5. I eyed everyone to check if Sheanne's one of them and I can't spot even her shadow.

Oh! There she is! I stared at her and smirked. But as she neared me my smirk faded away.

Sheanne Walter.

What happened to your smile?

My brows furrowed while I silently stared at your face. I'm surprised I still recognized you. Why did you change??

Shit. This is not good. I clenched my fist and tried to control myself. Now I can't help to add you to my target. Fuck.

I'm sorry, my lady.


I sighed deeply as I paid the cashier. I then exited the 7/11 and walked numbly.

'The house was former attacked by a thief and police are thinking that the criminal must be the same person.' The news report caught my attention and I glanced at it. 'One man is confirmed to be dead on the spot and a woman named Stella Xanders is currently missing. To this minute, the culprit is still unknown.'

I held the grocery bag tightly. I put on my hood and walked fast to my car.

What did I do wrong? I just helped her!

And now I have to help Sheanne, I can't control it.

She needs to be saved.


Shout out to catrina_092305 for voting and  commenting on my BTS Scenarios😄👏 Thank you~💜

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