Chapter 12

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Two days have passed with no sign from the man, oh I mean, Tyler, the one who abducted us. Food is only served once a day and we dont know when its given, it suddenly pops out when we're not looking.

"Does it still hurt?" I question Ariela, the new girl, while eyeing her wounds.

"Slightly," she barely managed to speak.

I pity her so much. She's still 20 and she's experiencing these kinds of pain. I've come to learn more things about her to cure our boredom. She's an accountancy student and she failed three subjects threatening her scholarship. How hard it must have been for her.

Then when she lost it, she started shouting about her grievances and how she wants to die, that's how Tyler found her.

Speaking of Tyler, I wonder what made him do all of these. By looking at him, you won't believe that he's somewhat crazy.

"Why are you here by the way?" Ariela asked me.

"I don't know." I told her with a sad smile.

Though deep inside, I know that the reason why he kidnapped me was because he saw one thing I didn't see.

That I was already struggling to live.

I was so focused of graduating in med school and I didn't even focus about my health. My doctor even told me I need to rest or else my health will worsen. But I didn't have any choice.

"You okay?" She asked me.

"Huh? Yeah. Totally." I lied.

"Okay, I'm just gonna take a short nap. Night." Ariela said and laid down on the cold floor.

I stared at her. She somewhat reminded me of my little sis, Sally. My uncle always gave bruises to her whenever I did something bad, or I didn't make enough money for his temptations. She was the receiver of my punishments. And then when I finished Nursing and went away to look for work, my uncle even molested her and demanded me for more money or else she'd get her life done for good. That's why I entered med school.

While studying, I also got two works to support myself, my uncle, and my sister. I did my best to keep my little sister safe.

But three weeks ago, Sally died. The police concluded it was suicide but I know there's more than that. And I had to pursue my med school to have enough money to pay for lawyers, 'cause I need to get that rotten uncle of mine behind bars.

One week ago, he also died of lung and liver failure. I was happy but I wasn't contented. I wanted him to suffer and rot in prison, but look, death stole my plan.

I admit, life was too hard on me. Maybe it's best if that Tyler Ross will just end it.

Happy New Year Everyone! 😄 I hope your 2019 started well~✨✨

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