Chapter 5

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I heard a sound of an engine indicating the people have arrived. Just about time. I've been here for three boring hours and I really hate waiting.

I heard people talking downstairs and moments later, someone's now walking at the second floor's hallway. The door in the room I am in opened then I heard two women having a conversation.

"Are you sure you can sleep alone?" A woman's voice asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, what am I? A child? Oh, just sleep sister. I'll be alright. Good night." I heard Stella say to her so-called sister before the door closed.

Footsteps filled my ear and it just added to the excitement I'm feeling right now.

Just a little moment and she'll surely fall asleep. My work should be done easily once she falls asleep, but, if she didn't, I'll handle it the hard way.

When I heard snores, I came out of where I'm hiding and stared at the woman sleeping. Her eyebags worsened, and stress is very clearly shown on her features.

Don't worry, I'll save you.

I was about to put a cloth on her mouth when she opened her eyes. We looked at each other for a bit then I was startled when she raised her hands and hit my side.

This bitch was holding a knife all along, I clutched my leg to stop it from bleeding.

"Don't go near me, I have a knife!" She threatened me.

"Oh, don't worry dear." I said and walked closer to her which made her move to the farther side of the bed. "I have a knife too."

I showed her a grin and let out my beloved knife from my pocket. Then I stumbled through the bed until I reached her. I turned her around so her back was facing me and pointed my knife to her throat.

"Scream or move, and this knife will go down your throat." I whispered to her ear.

I can feel her trembling from fear.

I slowly pressed the knife on her throat, and she cried silently.

"Please, spare me. I did nothing wrong to you, please.."

I smirked and put the knife down before taking out my drugged cloth.

"Don't worry, you'll soon rest." I said and let her inhale the drug I put on the cloth.

I tied her feet and hands and placed a tape on her mouth so she wouldn't be a problem once she wakes up. I then carried her bridal style and silently went out her room.

The hallway is dimly lit and I have no problem with it. Perks of being raised in the dark. I gently walked down the staircase when I heard something from the kitchen. I peeked and saw a silhouette drinking water from the fridge. Seems like the old man's here.

I went back to Stella's room and half-closed it the door. Bringing the knife out, I waited for the old man.

When I heard some footsteps nearing, I opened the door gently.

"Stel-- Who are you?!" He said and ran to me.

I dodged his punch and kicked his knee.

"You can call me savior."

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