Chapter 14

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I think this girl is going insane. Is that the result of being trapped in the dark for many days?

Walter's been smiling at me whenever I bring them food. It started since I let them take a bath yesterday. Well, her lively aura didn't come back but, at least she's smiling.

At least?

I gulped as I remembered her smile a while ago as I was bringing them food.

Then came a loud screech followed by a crashing sound as I quickly stepped on the brake. I didn't realize that a Porsche was on my way and I bumped it's back. Fuck!

I stayed in the car and the owner of the bumped car got out, knocked my door and yelled at me to get out. He was a skinny man wearing formal suit and he had that arrogant look on his face. I hate these kinds of people.

I got my knife from the compartment and went out of my car.

"Mister, you do realize that my brand new Porsche have been destroyed by you, right?"

I kept silent. I just stared at him.

"I called the police already and we're going to sort this out but first, I want to warn you that fixing my car will cost a lot of money."

I still kept silent and watched as he arrogantly pulled some cigarettes and lit one up, putting it in his mouth and exhaling the smoke to me.

'Kill.' Said the voice.

My breathing went shallow as I reach for my pocket. I held unto the knife and stared at the man.

It was already late when I realized I that I was stabbing the man's chest. I made three hits directly to his lung before I stopped.

I looked at my hands covered in blood. Panicking, I put the knife back in my pocket and went inside my car. As I stare into the mirror, I saw that the police he called a while ago was already arriving. I started the engine and drove off.

Soon, I heard sirens from behind me. Shit! I stepped on the gas and sped off. I kept my calm state as I drive through deserted road. I then drove to town. They'll easily catch me if my car is alone.

Soon, my car joined many other types of cars in town. I looked through the mirror and the two police cars were still tailing me. I gulped and heaved a stressed sigh.

My car went here and there, with the purpose of losing the police. When I was sure they were far ahead, I went straight to our block, then I pulled over my house, and hid my car in the garage.

I hurriedly went inside the house and shut the door.

I was panting heavily as I lean on my door.

They'll never gonna catch me.

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