Chapter 25

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If I would choose, I would want to die in the hands of Daniel, who actually made me feel safe even for once.

I hate to admit being a coward and dumb, but I actually turned around and headed inside the door again.

Yes, I am dumb. Because as soon as I got inside the door, Daniel came diving unto me. We both landed on the wall with my back, and he managed to get his hand wrapped around my throat. He lifted my body up with his fingers around my neck. I was barely breathing.

I felt dizzy but I fought back. I kicked and kicked but to no avail, he's just right there, strangling the life out of me.

Maybe this is really my finalé.

And just like that, I heard the door to my side fly open, and I know who that was, but I don't hella care now 'cause I'm dying in the hands of a crazed teenager anyway.

Suddenly, the arm wrapped around my neck was lost and I found myself gasping for air as soon as I dropped to the ground. I lifted my head and found myself staring at an unbelievable sight. The lunatic killer is holding the throat of a crazed teenager.

When I already believed that Daniel was going to die, an old man came in sight.


The two froze at the voice.

Tyler loosened up and looked at his side before uttering, "Father.."

"Let go of your brother, now!!" Scared is an understatement, because I felt more than that when I heard the old man scream. It's as if satan himself came here and shouted those words.

"Not if he's trying to kill Sheanne!" Tyler shouted back to who seemed like his father. Wait, did I actually hear him right?

Because of that, all eyes turned to me. And I don't like the fact that three demons are actually looking at me. My soul felt pierced by those stares.

"Now, now, letting another girl weaken you again huh Tyler?" And by that, the old man came stomping towards me and punched me right to my stomach, making me lose air.

I can't breath. I can't..


Before my sight faded away, I saw the old man slump in front of me with blood running from his head, and Tyler with an aimed gun in his hand.

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