Chapter 26

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I felt like I was hanging in the air. My head felt like it was being pounded continuously. My mouth tastes like rusted metal. With eyes half-closed, I stared at the back of this one carrying me while the ground moved in my peripheral view.

I heard a door open behind me, then I found myself being put down, my back touching a soft surface. With my squinted eyes, I tried to steal a look at the person in front of me.

My guess was right. He carried me again to his home, he brought me back to the place I have always tried to escape from.

I have never felt this hopeless. I just want to rest.

Without fighting back, I then let tiredness rule over me.


The next thing I knew, I was staring at the ceiling giving extra notice about how old it was and how it was rotting. It would be good if the ceiling will just collapse and crush me.

I blinked again with my tired eyes and glared at the door. I've been keeping up with the muffled voices from downstairs but it's getting hard to bear. It sounded like two people were fighting, sometimes I even hear loud thuds like someone hitting something.

I sighed.

Why did you even bring me back to this place, Tyler Ross?

I just want to rest, why can't he understand? The minute I saw Ariela's eyes lose life, I also felt like I lost the will to survive this hell I've been dragged into. If only I could ask him to kill me already.

Wait, I can, right? Afterall, he's a murderer. He would even be obliged to put my request into action.

With my last ounce of energy, I did my best to get out of the bed. My feet touched the cold ground and as I stood up without holding the bed for support, I felt like a whole wave of nausea hit my head. Nevertheless, I weakly went to the door, turning the knob and silently praying that it wasn't locked. It wasn't.

As I open the door, the muffled voices became clearer now. I recognized one voice as Tyler, the other I couldn't guess but it seemed familiar. It sounded like they were in the kitchen.

"What do you mean she's dead?" I heard Tyler exclaim. Who's dead again this time? Why can't these deaths just stop?

"She's dead. Just that. Went with mother to rest." The familiar voice replied with a tone evident in his voice. Mocking? No. Pride.

"I let our sister live, goddamn you! I let her escape, hoping she could also escape from her fate, but you just couldn't control that damned itching hand of yours and went on and killed her?"

Tyler let someone live? He actually spared someone?

"Yes, and because of that action of yours dad had to punish me for it. I suffered because of you all! She deserved it." The other replied with hatred. But after a couple of seconds, he laughed. "After all, when I was carving on her face, she couldn't stop begging for me to end her!"

Another thud.

Holding onto the railings for support, I went down the stairs but halfway through it, I stopped in my tracks.

Someone mentioned my name.

"And now, you're doing it again! You're being weak again! Don't tell me that Sheanne girl's got into your head. Don't you remember what dad used to teach us? We're only doing it for their sake! It must be done!" The familiar voice's shout filled the whole floor.

"YOUR dad is no longer with us. His teachings should now be buried with him. This time, I'm the damn law." Tyler said with a similar tone.

"You really turned weak brother. You've changed. You're starting to be like mother! All weak and-" The other voice said but was cut by a loud punching sound, followed by a sound of someone falling on the ground.

I rushed downstairs and went to the kitchen. The sight that met me was horrible.

Tyler had blood running from his eye, his upper lip was also bleeding and his clenched knuckles were bruised.

But it couldn't compare to the sight of Daniel now, who I realized was the owner of the familiar voice. He was almost unrecognizable. His whole face was messed up. He was holding his head that was now bleeding while he returned Tyler's glare.

"What the hell is going on here?" I tried to tell them with all my little strength. I did my best to shout but the words only came out like a whisper.

Their glances shot from each other to me.

"Sheanne? You shouldn't be here. Let me take you back to your room," Tyler said while ushering me out of the kitchen.

"No, I don't want to." I whispered but my body unconsciously let Tyler pull me upstairs and I found myself being tucked to bed again.

I stared at his damaged face, giving extra effort to keep my eyes from closing.

"Could you please just end me?" I told him before drifting again to sleep. The last thing I remember is Tyler's face, painted with sadness and regret.


And, the author's back from the dead 😂
Hi y'all!!

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