A Story

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Once there was a girl
Insecure and quiet she was
When she was young, she fell
Fell for a boy just like her; awkward, shy, and quiet.
However, he was so much more
So much better.
She watched him from afar
Keeping him her little secret nobody knew.

As time went by, she realized
There was no hope for her unrequited love.
The boy who was so similar was also, very unalike.
As they grew older and became young adults,
The girl tried her hardest to forget him.
Sadly, she couldn't.

She started to lose sight of her hopes and dreams.
She wasn't pretty like other girls;
Nor did she have a bright personality.
The little confidence she had, faded away.
Things went downhill from there.
She lost her friends, her dearest uncle,
And began to give up on her goals.
Only the young boy remained unchanged in her heart.

Eventually, she withered away.
The girl's family knew something was wrong.
They cared for her and helped her get back up.
One thing led to another, and she transferred schools.
She never saw the boy she adored ever again.

The girl wonders about him from time to time.
If he had grown up and made new friends,
If he found a girl he would never let go of.
There was no way for her to know.
But she wished someday,
She would see him again.

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