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I wish the room was vacant
So I could visit you once more
And give my final goodbyes
Without any remorse.

I cannot speak to you
Even though I have so much to say
I hope my words will make it to your heart
In one way or another.

My father once told me
What a good man you are,
I can still remember the days
When you were able and sure.

A visage of truths can be seen from your eyes
So much wisdom in one soul,
No one can truly deny.
I hope wherever you go,
You can be free.

Even with the barriers
I hope somewhere within your spirit
You will hear these few words
Resonating from my heart.

"I love you forevermore
Even when the flowers wither
And they lose their colour,
Even when the autumn leaves flutter
And land in a soft fall,
I will still reach out to them
And remember your words.

I will miss your odd remarks
And smiling eyes
Along with your saddened frowns
Of seeing us go,
Only to return for another time.

But this time,
I am afraid we do not have control
We will really have to let go
And watch you fall into a deep slumber
Only to be incinerated
And granted another path
If the Gods believe so.

Please know how much we all love you
As you close your eyes one last time
Never to open again,
Only to pass on
To another life.

-Forever and always,
Your granddaughter.

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