1: Catching Up

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"I need more laundry detergent." You stood in front of Uta and Juuzou with your arms on your hips.

"HERE!" Both men immediately shot out their credit cards as quickly as they could from their respective positions on the couch.

You laughed and took them both as a gesture of goodwill.

"Juuzou, what do you want for dinner? I'll make it for you and Yukizou." You laughed, leaning over to kiss your four family members before you left.

"I want doughnuts." Juuzou nodded very seriously.

"Do-nuds." Yukizou, almost two, nodded back very seriously, cracking you up even more.

"No! Don't let him do that!" You went over to the other side of the couch. "Pick something else. What about you and Kyou?"

"Honestly, brain stir fry, but I don't know if we have any." Uta sighed as he stroked his son's long, black hair. Three quarters ghoul, Kyou was larger than Yukizou had been, but he was also a voracious eater and a quick developer; desperate to catch up with his brother. His name, "to unite, cooperate" suited him very well. At least at two months old.

"I can go get some." You raised an eyebrow, wondering why it mattered if there were any on hand.

"From Antieku?" Uta asked again.

"Pick up doughnuts on your way!" Juuzou added.

"No doughnuts! And no!" You turned and began to gather your purse and keys together. "Fresh source."

"No. That's naughty." He stood up with Kyou and walked towards you. "Can't you follow the ward's rules ever? And also, just pick him up some doughnuts. You can give the baby something better for dinner."

"You're just spoiling him because you want to f-u-c-k him." You spelled it out as you whispered it.

"Yeah, and?" Uta leaned down and nipped at your ear. "Go get dinner. Get it how you're supposed to. Be a good girl and I'll do that to you tonight."

"What are you two whispering about?" Juuzou asked as he bounced Yukizou on his knee. "Adult things? Include me! Don't make me get my quinque out!"

"I'll include you tonight if you want it that bad, Juuzou." Uta winked as he bounced Kyou in his arms. "I'd love to."

"Good." Juuzou narrowed his eyes. "Ghoulie, bring back doughnuts for excluding me as an apology."

"Fine, fine, fine, whatever. I'll make you potatoes and eggs for dinner with it." You shrugged as you kissed Uta goodbye and then the baby.

"Kiss me too." He pouted. "And the toddly-do."

"I would never forget JuJu." You smiled as you walked over and provided him with what he asked for. All under the wicked grin of Uta. Everything was working out just how he wanted it to. He had you, and he was working towards having the absolutely adorable little psycho known as Juuzou Suzuya.

And the same went for you. You had Uta and Kyou, Juuzou and Yukizou. Now could you have them at the same time?

As you left the house, you thought about how smooth Uta had been about the situation. It was impressive. No wonder you were so in love with him after almost two years of being together.

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now