7: Nutcracker

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"Tum, tum, tum!~" Juuzou skipped to his meeting. "Love my Ghoulie~ Love my baby~ Love my other baby~ Still kind of hate Uta~"

He suddenly burst through the doors in headquarters.

"I'm late!~" He announced.

"Good morning, associate special class Suzuya!" They all stood to greet him.

"W-What?!" He was surprised to see them act to formally. And surprised to see one fact in particular.


"Ohhhhh, Haiseeee!" Juuzou smiled to see a familiar face and immediately ran over to greet the young man.

His hands flew into his pockets, surprising some of the other members.

"...What in the world are those two doing?" Tooru asked Hanbee.

"When those two were working on a previous investigation together, Rank 1 Sasaki had always prepared candy for senpai in his pockets like that." Hanbee explained.

"As expected of Haise!~" Juuzou cheered, showing off his spoils.

Haise looked so proud of himself.

"Suzuya-senpai, themeeting... has been finished without any problems." The group reported to him.

"Okay, then please give a summary explanation." Juuzou requested. "But before that..."

"I'm sorry. We're so late!!!!!" A voice burst out in the room.

"Shirazu-kun?!" Haise asked. "And he brought Saiko with him?!"

"Hurry... we have to go back to Vana'Diel. Hey, that's right, isn't it?" Saiko spoke.

"I met them earlier in front of the elevators. Please explain after they've sat down." Juuzou spun around in his chair.

"Understood." Hanbee nodded.

"Sassan, sorry... I didn't make it at all..." Shirazu spoke.

"N...No worries. More importantly, thanks for Saiko-chan... Amazing!" Haise spoke nervously, putting his hands up defensively.

"Saiko-chan at the CCG...!" Tooru looked just as nervous.

"Now, then. Once again, I will explain only the main points..."

"So there's a ghoul out there right now and she seriously only eats testicles?" You couldn't help but start laughing. "And you call her... the NUTCRACKER?! Are you kidding me?!"

You began rolling on the floor laughing.

Uta bit his lips and held a naughty look on his face.

"Don't say it Uta! Don't!!!" You howled. "So rude!!!"

Juuzou pulled you into his lap and kissed you deeply and selfishly.

"Say it, Uta. Make Ghoulie laugh more! It makes her so sexy!" He relished this time between the babies being in bed and before it was time for you all to go to sleep.

"At least you don't have to worry, Juuzou. Your nuts have already been cracked." Uta cackled.

Leave it to Uta to joke about someone's traumatic event.

"Ghoulie, what a bully we have here." Juuzou held you close in his arms, teasing the dark ghoul. "Let's lock him out of the bedroom tonight and try that new thing again by ourselves."

"JuJu, that sounds so wonderful! I think we should do just that! Maybe he'll learn some manners!" You stuck your tongue out at Uta.

Suddenly, Uta's face shifted. And his hair. And then his body.

"But who is who, if we do a little mixing up, Ghoulie?" The Uta-Juuzou asked.

"Ahhh!~ So cool!" Juuzou flew over to Uta, literally dumping you on the carpet. "Do Ghoulie."

Uta relished the attention.

"For a kiss."

Immediately, his lips were covered with Juuzou's soft ones. And as quickly as it began, it was over. And Uta was blushing.

"Do Ghoulie!!!~ Ghoulie, come look!" Juuzou bounced in place.

You laughed.

"You two are hilarious. I can't tell if you hate each other or if you secretly love each other." You wiped your eyes.

"Oh, I love Juuzou." Uta declared. Then, he shifted into you. "I love my JuJu so much!"

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now