5: Anatomy🍋

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AN: I can't help but photoshop random stuff for this series. Here's Juuzou with a ball gag.

Juuzuou's red eyes blazed into Uta's black and red ghoul eyes as his hands stroked up and down his bare cock. The black ball in his mouth prevented him from speaking but Uta noted the determination in his eyes. The promise of an orgasm, especially one at the hands of his precious Ghoulie had awoken something within him.

Small growls emanated from Uta as he looked over at you.

"You," He commanded. "Get over here. Kiss my neck. Add your hands in."

Quickly, you scurried behind Uta and followed his demands. Your lips dragged up and down the exposed flesh, your teeth dragging along it, while your fingers began adding to the pleasure of Uta. One hand massaged his testicles while the other played with his piercing.

"Yesss~" He hissed as his liquids bubbled out all over both your and Juuzou's hands. "Ah, look at that. I guess I'll have to teach you children about some anatomy so we can all have some sort of playtime~"

He laughed a little sadistically and paused for a moment, happy to have been pleasured so thoroughly.

"Thank you, Uta," You flattered him, "Do you want me to clean you up first?"

"No, gorgeous, I think I'll be okay." He chuckled. "Juuzou, continue being a good little boy and lay over on your stomach; ass up. Pretty Woman, grab the lube."

Everything went by in a flash and suddenly Uta was behind you and he had your fingers dripping with lubricant.

"Deep breath, JuJu!~" Uta cooed, before his took your fingers and placed them on Juuzou's entrance.

"This is weird..." You mumbled, turning your lips towards Uta.

"No, it's not!" Uta sung out. "I love things in my ass when I fuck around with men! Also, if you stop talking, you might hear our human's noises."

You quieted down and listened to the quiet moans that Juuzou had been letting out. They got louder as Uta pushed your fingers harder into him, under one knuckle of one finger, and then one of two fingers, disappeared inside of him. Then, he began pushing the fingers in and out, circling them around and around.

"Ha, there we go. Look how accepting he is of you! I never would have thought." Uta chuckled. "A good little sub, he is. And he's so quiet finally! I love it. But we have another knuckle to go before we hit the prostate. And then, I'm going to fuck you too, gorgeous."

After a moment's rest, Uta pushed your fingers in just a bit further and then showed you how he wanted you to curl them down even more. And the very instant you did, a moan erupted from Juuzou's mouth that you couldn't believe.

You turned to look at Uta, who had a crooked smile.

"That's right, baby, now pump it like a cock. Like I'm about to do to you." And with an even more wicked grin, Uta released his grip on your hand and lined himself up at your entrance; plunging himself in when he was ready. Now everyone was enjoying themselves. And maybe, if Uta let you both, everyone would get to orgasm.

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now