3: Shut Up 🍈

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"He said nine..." Juuzou pouted as he laid his head in your lap. "Stupid ghoul is late."

"Why did you even bother coming? You know he wouldn't have done anything if you didn't show up." You stroked his black hair.

"I wanted to sleep in your bed with you." He rubbed your thigh affectionately.

"That's my bed." Uta's voice rang out. "At least tonight it is. And don't start with the fucking quinque knife threats. In fact, both of you better not say another word unless it's the safe word, 'coconut' or you're moaning my name."

"I'm not going to moan your name." Juuzou rolled his eyes.

"YN, bite him." Uta commanded. "Or I'm going to bite you."

Slowly, you leaned down and licked the meatiest part of Juuzou's neck. His eyes searched yours with confusion. And then they widened further when you bit down.

"Ah..." His mouth dropped open and he was suddenly flooded with the memory of how much he enjoyed that sensation. Dopamine flooded his brain as his blood was licked up by your, your single black eye coming out.

"So you like that then?" He laughed sadistically. "Let's try this on for size."

Within a flash, Uta was over and had the shocked, raven-haired man turned over on your lap, bare ass shown while you flinched at the crack of flesh meeting flesh.

"AH!" Juuzou shrieked. 

Uta rolled his eyes and licked his bleeding shoulder, turning his own eyes even more black and now red as well.

"I'm going to use and abuse your body, Juuzou. If that's the only thing that makes you interested in me." He growled. 

You pouted, feeling ignored. Then, you pushed Juuzou off of you and laid down looking at Uta from your crossed arms.

"Look at how jealous she is," Uta snickered. "But I want to make you feel so jealous that you can't help but come kiss me."

"No." Juuzou scowled as he whispered his response. Another crack sounded.

"Stop. Talking." He growled this time and then tossed Juuzou on the bed. "And you."

He flipped you onto your back and looked into your single black eye with his red and black eyes.

"Stop pouting." He pushed his face into yours and slipped his tongue through your lips.

Immediately, you smiled into the kiss, wrapping your legs around him. Juuzou watched in fascination as you broke the kiss and quickly, both you and Uta began undressing.

"This is what good boys and girls get," Uta looked over at Juuzou. "Kisses and attention."

"I don't need that stupid stuff." Juuzou sat up and pouted now.

Then, he was pushed down with his face in the mattress. 

"I told you to shut the fuck up. What do I need to do so that you understand?"

"Bite me." Juuzou laughed as he could hardly breathe.

"You don't tell me what to do." Uta yanked his hair back, "Say one more thing. Try me."

"Poor Ghoulie's so bored." He giggled. "Don't know why I bothered coming! Clearly you can't entertain us both at the same time."

"Gorgeous, go get the ball gag. Clearly, he needs to learn some of the rules in our bedroom."

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now