6: Start The Day

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Juuzou laid in bed quietly as he thought about what he needed to say next.

He cleared his throat and you looked over at him, exhausted.

"I am late for work," He mentioned.

"Uh, go?" You wrinkled your brows at him.

"We've got a new case. I'm working with the half-ghoul you like." He mentioned, looking around the room, but not getting up.

"Aren't you late?" You sat up and looked at him, "Why are you still here?"

"We're going after Mama." He admitted quietly.

"Oh." You fell back to the bed, in shock.

"It's really just work. I'll take care of it. But I wanted to let you know." Juuzou pulled you close and kissed your nose. "Do you want another baby to keep your mind off of it?"

"Go away!" You smiled a bit and pushed him up out of bed. "You need to go to work!"

"I just thought I'd suggest it!" Juuzou smiled, "At least I can go to work happy. I can't believe that worked out! You can bet I'll be asking for it again."

He winked at you and disappeared into the closet to get dressed, leaving you and a sleeping Uta in bed.

You stretched and decided that you might as well get up, even if the babies weren't making noises yet they certainly would be soon. Stretching, you shifted and got out of bed. You threw Uta's shirt on and then walked into the room that Kyou and Yukizou were sharing.

Yukizou was still asleep but Kyou was up, looking around.

"Why don't you cry for me, Kyou baby?" You whispered, picking him up. "Yukizou whimpered as soon as his eyes opened. Are you just that independent?"

"If he's my son, then yes." Uta's arms slipped around your waist, making you jump and let your kagune slip out. "Calm down."

"What is your kagune, Uta?" You asked. "I've never seen it. And Kyou will have a mix of ours. Actually, tell me all about your ghoul form. I want to know what Kyou will grow into."

"Let me grab Yu-Yu and I'll talk while we get them ready." He kissed your face and went over to the toddler bed the tiny white-haired child slept in. "Hey, baby."

He lifted him up, but Yukizou wasn't going to wake up. He was being stubborn.

"I'll just hold him I guess." He smiled, not even pretending that he was unhappy about it. "My kagune is like yours; a tail. But I have six tails that can get longer or shorter. Yours is probably faster and stronger, but I have more. My kakuja is more frightening I think."


"A form you can get from eating ghoul flesh. Not recommended though; you need to be really strong or you could lose yourself. Anyway, it's not something Kyou should worry about ever either. But you should know what it looks like so you don't kill me. Arms come out of my back and I have a massive mouth that I can use to eat people whole." Uta sat on the rocking chair and relaxed again.

The sight of your shirtless boyfriend with a baby on his chest was enough to make you swoon while you changed and dressed a silent Kyou.

"You already know that I'm talented with speed and agility, but also, I actually don't need human flesh to regenerate my body. As long as I've eaten recently enough, I can regenerate myself immediately."

"So why didn't you ever do that here? You always just walked around with it." You asked, picking up your tiny baby.

"If you wanted to hurt me, I figured I should let you for a little bit." He chuckled. "But the talent that I hope Kyou has the most is this."

"Is what?" You turned and looked at him "What the hell?"

"Ghoulie, stick your fingers in my ass!" Juuzou's face and voice were on Uta's body.

"That... is crazy." You shook your head. "Show Juuzou when he gets back!"

Uta laughed as his face went back.

"Okay, gorgeous."

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now