12: Getting Approval

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Juuzou was at work, giving his report to a superior alongside Haise.

"And... There is a connection between the Nutcracker, that associate special class Suzuya and company are investigating, and the Madams' auction?" The intense man questioned.

"Yes, if you look at the list, you'll see there is no doubt." Juuzou stated. You don't scare me. I have Uta at home... A shiver ran up his spine, remembering how angry he had been the other day. "We even know the date of the next auction."

"November 11th... A little over two weeks form now, huh?"

"It is all thanks to the investigation by rank 1 Sasaki and the Quinx." Juuzou smiled, catching Haise off-guard.

"The Quinx, huh?" This associate special class called Washuu was skeptical. He was a logician through and through and disdained pointless things. This often made it difficult for Juuzou to speak with him, but he had to admit, he was getting better at being serious. "Then, just as promised to the Nutcracker, rank 3 Mutsuki will attend the auction."

Haise's face dropped.

"All alone?"

"That goes without saying, doesn't it...? If not, it'd be unnatural." The superior held a cold look. "This is so those guys won't be on their guard and so that the offensive can come from the inside. Dessing as a woman and getting close is an unusual idea."

"Ah... thank you very much." Haise responded.

"I wasn't praising you." His words hit like a mallet.

"Ah... I'm sorry."

"The one who attained the information in the undercover investigation was rank 3 Mutsuki, correct?"


"He won't be able to take his quinque in case there's a body check... What was the purpose of the Q's power?"

"BUT! Rank 3 Mutsuki isn't ready for such a big mission ye--"

"But?" His fingers pressed into his wrinkled, demonic looking face. "Did you say 'but' Rank 1?"

"Associate special class Washuu." Juuzou raised his hand like it was primary school. "Is it okay for me to participate in the auction as well?"

"Ju-- Associate special class Suzuya?" Haise was left gaping.

"What do you intend by that?" the serious man asked.

"How about I go along as rank 3 Mutsuki's friend? If there's some confusion on the inside then it's better to have one more person along, right?"

"You too will go in disguise, associate special class Suzuya?"

These titles are so long, so trivial. My mouth hurts from saying them. My ears hurt from hearing them. Couldn't he have just said, 'So you're wearing a dress too?' Juuzou thought.

"Yes. I am used to that." Juuzou smiled, feeling triumphant.

"...Fine then. I approve of your participation."

"Thank you very much." Juuzou covered his face and stuck his tongue out at Haise. All of this boring logistical nonsense was wearing on him. How much long until he could go home and see his babies?

A knock was suddenly heard.

"Enter." Washuu commanded. "Hirako, Mado, Shimoguchi. This time, my S2 Squad, the Suzuya Squad, and the three first classes will command each squad. I will explain the overview of the 'Auction Search-and-Destroy Operation'."

With a quiet sigh, Juuzou sat back in his chair. This was going to be a long day.

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now