15: The Auction Begins

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You sat down with a glass of blood wine while Kyou slept on your chest and Yukizou sat calmly on Itori's lap.

"It's starting!" She smiled and clapped Yukizou's hands together in delight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have kept you waiting an awfully long time. Although there are many auctions with collections of masterpieces and rare articles, humans, humans, humans... An auction which targets humans is peculiar of our ghoul world. Have you yet been repeatedly warned of the Doves when you return home? I do so pray that everyone is not made a good and placed in their boxes. The introduction has come late. Your host, as well as your auctioneer... Will be played by us, the clowns." Uta came out in his beautiful mask and... eclectic clothes. "Now then, everyone, please enjoy the auction to your heart's content."

"Papaaaa!" Yukizou yelled, causing Kyou to stir but not awaken.

"Yes, Yuki! That's Papa." You nodded and laughed as Itori looked at you with confusion. "Let's look for Dada next."

"Ah." She nodded. "That makes sense. I was wondering."

You watched for about twenty minutes, but with no signs of anyone else important.

"I will introduce the next item." Uta spoke to the crowd. "The next item is the actor Ookura Yoshiki."

"WAAAA AHH?! STOP IT!! WHAT THE HELL?" The actor screamed as Uta handed off the microphone.

"He is a well-known actor who plays the lead in the drama 'Brain Bowl'... is there anyone in this hall who was brought to tears by his performance?"

"Let me go hom--"

"My oh my, what a marvelous performance! Please, everyone, take a good look." The female looking ghoul spoke and pointed the microphone towards Uta.

"We will start at ten million yen. For those of you who intend to bid, please hold up your paddle."

Paddles flew up, not that you were surprised.

"10 million, 400 thousand.. 11 million... 11 milllion 600 thousand... 14 million... 18 million... Now, the value is at 24 million."

As the camera angle switched and you saw bidder number 1.

"That's... my mother..." You muttered.

"Ugly thing." Itori shook her head.

"Ugee!" Your son added on, to your laughter.

"24 million... 30 million... 34 million..." Uta then paused. "Sold."

"That's so much money, I can't even imagine." You rubbed your baby's back. "I wonder when it'll get exciting."

"Well then, I will once again introduce the goods which have been quickly restocked. This is another which was not listed on the catalogue at hand so be careful... Now then..."

"Ow..." Mutsuki was thrown onto the floor.

"Oh! That's Juuzou's coworker. A half-ghoul."

"I would have liked to set the price to one million yen, but... you have quite a 'strange scent'." As he pulled the eye patch off of Mutsuki, gasps erupted around Uta. "If I do say so myself... this is rare. And, in that case... please understand that she is fairly valuable... Please start the bidding at 10 million yen."

"Uta is so good at being an auctioneer, don't you think?" Itori turned towards you. "Dada is good, huh?"

"Dada?!" Yukizou wiggled around.

"It's Papa," you laughed. "but yes, Uta is good at it. He's very charismatic."

And you continued to watch the auction unfold.

Mollified (Juuzou x Reader x Uta)Where stories live. Discover now