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Jungkook starts to awaken to the sound of howls, but once he realises what the sound is, he gasps and jumps up, rapidly searching his surroundings for something he recognises. “As most of you saw earlier, I brought in a live rabbit,” Jungkook hears, instantly recognising the voice. The injured boy tries to get off of the table he woke up on, but collapses on the ground from weakness and pain, so he stays on the ground and shakes as he listens to the deep voice of “alpha”.
“The original plan was to save him for emergency during Winter, but it has been brought to my attention that he is an omega. Omegas birth young the species of their dominant, so I will take him as my mate.” Namjoon says, ignoring the slight gasps as he catches the scent of excitement from Yoongi and Jins hut.
Jungkook listened to what he said and became very excited and even tried to hop around with his rapidly twitching tail, whining when he just fell back down and noticed the pain in his stomach. The bunny pulls himself to the cloth door of the hut and peaks out, sticking out his entire head when he notices Namjoon staring right at him. “Yes, Alpha Namjoon.” The pack salutes before leaving to sleep while Jungkook continues to stare at the approaching alpha wolf while his entire body wags, not noticing the owners of the hut, standing next to the door and watching the interaction. “Alpha!” Jungkook exclaims, frowning when his stomach releases a growl that is audible to the three wolves, “Jungkook, why are you on the ground?” Namjoon asks and the bunny frowns, backing into the hut so Namjoon can come in, but the small omega freezes when he sees two more wolves follow. “F-Fell.” ‘That one smells like mommy!’ Jungkook thinks, looking at Seokjin, who was sending him a kind smile, despite his glaring mate. Jungkook’s mother had died before he was old enough to see, but he remembers her scent.
“Well, I want you back on the table so I can measure you for a cloth while Alpha feeds you.” Jin says, squatting to make eye contact with Jungkook, whose head tilted in confusion. “Cloth?” The  bunny asks and Jin grabs the edge of his own loin cloth and holds it out as an example, chuckling when Jungkook frowns. “I doubt you will be able to get him to wear one, bunnies don’t typically like clothes since they hop instead of walk.” Yoongi says, his ruff voice making the smallest omega flinch. “Alpha.” Jungkook whispers, holding up his arms. ‘I can’t comprehend how cute he i-oh, he wants me to pick him up’. Namjoon puts his hands under Jungkook’s armpits before lifting him onto his hip, bouncing slightly to get giggles.
“Feed him before he passes out.” Jin demands and Namjoon rolls his eyes, setting Jungkook on the table, sighing when the omega whines and doesn’t let go. “Jungkook, let go so I can get you food.” Namjoon says, growling at the shocked expression, ‘How can an entire fluffle break one omega so bad that he is shocked when offered food?’.
Jungkook’s eyes follow Namjoon until he exits the hut, and then the bunnies gaze shifts to Jin, who was slowly getting closer. “S-smell l-like mommy!” Jungkook gasps, sniffing around and freezing at Jins chest and scurrying backwards off the table when Yoongi growls and jumps between them. “Yoongi! He is an omega, there is no need to be possessive!” Jin growls, walking around the table to kneel in front of Jungkook, ‘I don’t think he knows what breast milk is, he must only remember scent’ Jin thinks as he places his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “Sweetie, do you know what breast milk is?” Jin asks, sighing when the omega shakes his head. “Do you know what an omega is?” The elder asks, hoping for a yes. “S-sl-slave wi-with heat.”
‘I am sending the pack to massacre that fluffle.’
“No, baby. It means someone who is really good at having babies and being a mommy. I am an omega, and so are you. Heat is when you can make babies.” Jin explains, sitting on the ground. “You smell mommy ‘cause you have babies?” Jungkook clarifies, ‘Babies are cute, but fluffle said no babies and laughed when it hurt’.
“No, I smell like your mommy because I am going to have babies. See, I’m making milk to feed my babies when they come out.” Jin says as his teats start leaking, ‘I cannot believe I just had to explain what breast milk is to an omega. His mom must have died before he was old enough to remember or be taught’. “I have babies?”
“When alpha says yes during your heat.” Jin says and is shocked when Jungkook somehow leaps into his lap and hugs him. “Yoongi, don’t growl at him. Other than alpha Namjoon, I am obviously the only person to ever show him kindness.” Jin growls, continuing to hug the younger, even as the bunny pulls away and sniffs over his chest and neck. “What are you doing with my omega?” Namjoon growls loudly when he walks in to see Jungkook in Seokjin’s lap and sniffing the elder omegas mating mark. “Don’t yell or growl at them, Jungkook didn’t actually know what an omega is. He thought the word meant slave; plus, he didn’t know what breast milk was and only knew that Seokjin smelt like his mother.” Yoongi states, ‘I may not like him all over my pregnant mate, but I know better than to mess with an omegas bonding’.
“Jungkook, time to eat.” Namjoon forces out in an almost calm voice. “Alpha bring food for Jungkook?” The bunny asks, crawling out from behind the table while Jin stands with a grunt. “Yes, I brought you food.” Namjoon says and shocks his beta by smiling. “Dude, I have known you for twenty-four years and this is the first time you have ever smiled at another person without the intent to kill.”
“Shut up.” Namjoon growls, his eyes widening when Jungkook wraps his body around the alphas leg. “You two need to talk about your situation a little more and get some sleep, so I will take him back to my hut.”

“Eat.” Namjoon says, gesturing to his table that is covered in an assortment of fruits, flowers, nuts, and veggies. “Alpha eat, Jungkook eat rest.” The bunny says, trying to use the rules he had in his fluffle. ‘Alpha needs to eat. I can eat whatever he doesn’t finish’, is what went through his head. “I don’t eat this stuff, I eat meat.” Namjoon explains and Jungkook’s eyes widen, “For me?”
“This is for you to eat and when you are running low, I will get you more until your leg is healed enough for you to gather your food while I hunt mine. Now, eat so we can sleep.”
Jungkook just stares at the food for a moment with big, wanting eyes, his hands twitched to grab it and satisfy the grumbling in his belly, but the fear of being beaten because he got food without it being handed to-thrown at-him. ‘I am attacking his old fluffle. I am going to have to feed him because he looks utterly terrified to grab the food, even though he probably hasn’t eaten in weeks’. “Get on the bed and I will feed you.” Namjoon says and is in utter shock when Jungkook looks around and moves to a patch of dirt, scratching at it a little before laying down and staring back. “The ground is not a bed, mate. The pile of furs on the tied sticks is a bed.” Namjoon says and Jungkook hesitantly pulls himself to an onto the bed, bouncing slightly and after he takes one sniff, he smiles brightly and does a quick roll, diving under one of the loose furs. ‘Definitely imprinted on me, he is finding enough comfort in my scent that he is starting to slick’.
“Jungkook, try not to slick on the bed.” The alpha says, walking over with fruit filling his arms.
Jungkook freezes his cuddling and moves to sit on his knees with a flushed face, “Sorry, alpha.” He says, bowing his head and putting out his hands, ‘I think I did something wrong, but why does he look confused? He is supposed to be smacking my hands with a stick’, Jungkook thinks, ignoring the luring scent of fruit. “I am not going to punish you for your bodily functions, now, stop sitting on your broken leg.” Namjoon demands and Jungkook stares in awe as he moves to sit on his butt, Namjoon sitting next to him with a small smile. “Open your mouth,” The alpha demands and Jungkook follows, his eyes widening when a handful of berries is shoved into his mouth, “Make sure to grab more to eat whenever you’re hungry. If I hear your stomach growl, I will punish you.”

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