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“Jinnie, my body hurts.” Jungkook whines as he lays on his bed while Nayeon aggressively nurses. The pup is believed to be traumatized from the weeks without milk, so nobody can blame the infant when she feeds every two hours like a newborn, but it also makes everyone happy to see her chubby again, much like Jungkook who had finally gained enough weight to look healthy over the past two weeks. “What do you mean? Anywhere in particular?” The elder omega asks as he continues to build the youngers nest. Jungkooks belly had grown considerably in size and the bunny was unable to bend down or get up from the ground without help, so the elder volunteered to build his nest. “My hips and back. Plus, my stomach keeps cramping.” Jungkook complains and Jin freezes his activities. “I need to go get some of the pack mothers to help me build your nest a little faster. It seems your body is preparing you for labour.” Jin says and waddles out of the room while Jungkook groans and sits up, making Nayeon whine, so he moves her so that her head lays on his knee and can turn to latch on to one of his lower teats.
“Okay, so maybe we should get him to the river first so that if does give birth within the week, he will be clean before.” One of the pack moms say and Jungkook frowns, “Where is my alpha?” He asks and Jin sighs, squatting down in front of him, “Humans are starting to come too far into the forest, so he is with our human friends trying to make sure this land is private and humans can’t capture us. Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hoseok are with him.” The omega beta says and Jungkook’s eyes swell with tears, “But I want my alpha!” He sobs and Nayeon senses the distress and unlatches to sob with him. “Kookie, you’re going to stress out the pups.” Seokjin tries reasoning, but when Jungkook tries to stop crying, the pups visibly move and the omega simultaneously throws up and pees on himself. “Poor boy.” she says as Jin pets his brother in laws head before he and the other pack mom help him up and support his waddling to the river. This isn’t the first time the pups have made him do this, there just isn’t enough room for them to move, so if they stretch or move, they either hit his rib, or squish his lung, bladder, or stomach. Everyone definitely prefers him puking and peeing instead of having broken ribs, or not breathing for a few minutes.

“I want them out.” Jungkook groans as he is set down in the water, the coldness giving slight relief to his sore back and leg muscles while Nayeon whines at the cold before latching back on. “Well, we can’t really do that. We don’t know how big they are because we don’t know how many there are. So we need to let them come out on their own terms.” Seokjin reasons, sitting in the water with him and helping wash him up. “I don’t care, Alpha needs to be here to help me.” Jungkook pouts, wincing when one of the pups make him pee again. Jin sighs and massages the youngers back as Jimin waddles up with his alphas behind him, looking extremely worried. “Jiminie, the pups are going to come any day now, why are we here?” Taehyung asks and the omega sighs, stepping into the clearing at the river, “I can smell Jungkook’s distress and want to comfort him, so we are going.” Jimin states, waddling to the water and sitting next to Jungkook, shocking Jin. “Hi, Minie.” Jungkook says and leans on the newly arrived omegas shoulder. “You are way too big to be without your alpha, where is he?” Jimin asks and Jungkook frowns, looking at Taehyung and Hoseok, “He is out with the humans, but Jinnie, you said he was with Taehyung and Hoseok?” Jungkook says and Jin looks at the two bear alphas before grinning, “Then that means that Namjoon is at the pack, probably looking for you. He will be here any minute.” The beta omega says and is proved right when Namjoon runs into the clearing, “Kookie, the pack mothers said you were in labour, why are you down here?” He asks, taking Jins spot as the elder omega moves, “Because I was kicked in the stomach and the bladder at the same time and had to be cleaned. Plus, my water hasn’t broken.” Jungkook said and groaned as a contraction hit. “Jin, how has today been going?” Namjoon asks, rubbing his mates back through the contraction. “Well, one of the babies has officially dropped, he can’t even close his legs because of how low the pup is and he is five centimeters dilated.”
Jimin frowns and grabs the panting omegas hand, “You have got to be miserable.” He says and Jungkook rolls his eyes, “You have no idea.” He groans back, wiggling in his alphas lap, “Alpha, I want to go back to our hut, Nayeon is getting too cold.” Namjoon easily complies and stands, he tries to pick up his omega bridal style, but Jungkook whines, “I can’t close my legs that much, gotta waddle.” Namjoon nods and sets him back down, supporting most of his weight as the omega waddles towards the pack while Seokjin carries an unhappy Nayeon back with them. “Bye, Jiminie, Hoseok, and Taehyung.” Jungkook calls, wincing in discomfort as he waddles.

“You haven’t had any more contractions?” Seokjin asks with concern as Jungkook nods off to sleep, never fully falling asleep because of a sharp kick aimed at one of his organs. “No, and he hasn’t slept any.” Namjoon mumbles, just as tired, but able to function because of his alpha instincts. “Maybe you should knott hi-” Seokjin starts and Jungkooks eyes snap open, “Nothing goes in until everybody is out.” He growls and the elder omega sighs, “Then they aren’t quite ready. Just do whatever feels right, have Namjoon help you move around, and try squats.” Jin states, doing his own small waddle out of the hut, “Alpha, I’m tired and your pups don’t like me.” Jungkook whines, nuzzling his mates neck as the alpha chuckles, “We could try knotting, or I could use my tail.” Namjoon suggests and Jungkook frowns before nodding with a sigh.

“I can’t believe that you are so dilated that my knott was able to come out before going down.” Namjoon grumbles while Jungkook sniffles, “Nothing feels good.” Jungkook sobs into the alphas chest, sitting on his knees and letting the alpha help him sway his hips. “I am going to push on the pups for a few minutes, see if I can irritate them out.” Namjoon says and help Jungkook lean against the wall of his nest before distributing pressure over the youngers abdomen until there is a loud whine emitting from Jungkook's throat and water is dripping down his thighs.
Nayeon hears this and wakes up, crawling over to her mom and laying her head on the omegas large, contracted belly as he pants through the contraction. “I guess you guys got it.” Jin says, stepping in with Yoongi while Namjoon massages Jungkook’s hips. The labouring omega only gets about ten seconds to recover before another contraction starts, shocking Seokjin, who rushes to check the dilation. “Alright, Kookie. You went from four to ten, you can push when it feels right.” Seokjin says and pecks the youngers forehead before walking out with a screaming Nayeon in his arms while Yoongi gives a supportive pat on Namjoons shoulder.
Jungkooks face goes red as he pushes through the contraction, not stopping until he feels the burn of his first pup crowning and needs to breathe, “Kookie, I’m going to catch the pup, grab onto my shoulders if you need to.” Namjoon says, pecking the omegas lips before positioning himself in front of his mate, ignoring the claws sinking into his skin and smiling as the large newborn lands in his hands with a rush of amniotic fluid. “Our first pup is so big.” Namjoon says happily and Jungkook smiles widely, watching his mate wipe off the newborns face as she screams. “Alpha~” Jungkook whimpers before starting on the second pup, both parents excited to have all of their family visible.

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