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“Jinnie, I’m hungry.” Jungkook whines, trying to get out of the nest for the second time that morning. The first time had been to use the bathroom and was shocked when Jin didn’t let him go and just moved a fur to show a deep hole with a rancid scent that wasn’t there when it was covered. “In a minute.” Jin tries, seeking cuddles from the one his instincts would allow in his nest. “Noooooo, want alpha~” Jungkook whimpers and struggles against the elders grip until he is able to rip himself from the nest. The lack of feeling in his legs was apparent, so he stayed on the ground and crawled around the hut until he made it to the door where he could smell his mates musk. “Alpha?” Jungkook calls quietly, peaking out and smiling brightly when he moves the huts flap to see the back of his mates legs. “Hi, Kookie. Are you ready to meet the pack?” Namjoon asks, squatting down so that he is eye level with the younger. “I’m hungry.”
“You can eat while I introduce you, how does that sound?” The alpha suggests, grinning when the younger nods and holds up his arms for help up, showing off his decently large bump. It usually wouldn’t be noticeable at this point, but a week out of a month and a half of pregnancy on someone who is so skinny and probably having at least three pups adds a lot of size. “Our pups are already growing~” Namjoon purs, picking up the younger and nuzzling the mating mark. “Our pups want food.” Jungkook moans, pushing Namjoons head away. “Alright, let’s go to our hut first.” Namjoon grumbles, wanting nothing more than to bury himself in his omega. “Alpha, your scent.” Jungkook whimpers and the elder quickly stops his subconscious pheromones. “Sorry, let’s go.”
“You made me sticky.” Jungkook complains from their bed as the elder fills a basket with fruit for the younger to eat while he was introduced to the pack. Namjoon was confused until he saw his mate wiggling around with spread legs as the scent of arousal starts to invade the air.
About twenty minutes later, Namjoon carries a red and sweaty Jungkook and a basket of fruits. “Really?” Jin says with a raised eyebrow and Namjoon shrugs with a smirk, “He started it and it isn’t like I knotted him. Pregnancy hormones.” The alpha claims and Jin rolls his eyes before moving to stand next to Yoongi in front of the gathered pack, Namjoon taking his spot next to Yoongi, setting Jungkook on the ground with his food. “As you all were informed, I have found my omega and as of last week, I mated him. Now that I have fully mated him, you will address him as Luna.” The pack all bow their heads while a few young children peek out from behind their parents legs, their scents making Jungkook’s head perk up from his food as he sends bright smiles to the young pups. “Yes, Alpha.” The pack says before going back to their meal. “Alpha, I wanna play with the pups!” Jungkook whisper yells, glancing between his mate and the pups that are still staring at him curiously.
Namjoon smiles and walks to the group of three pups. “Alpha, can we eat with Luna?” The eldest, a forty-eight moon old beta named Jisoo says, holding his twelve moon old  sister, Lisa’s hand. “Yes, but be careful, he is a bunny and he is carrying pups.” Namjoon says and the the two go, the last pup stays sitting and staring. She is only six moons old and isn’t doing well since her mother passed away two weeks prior. Without her mother's milk, she has become frail and rarely accepts water from the pack mothers, since she refuses to nurse. Everyone thought that she would nurse on her aunt, but little Nayeon would cry whenever someone offered, so the pack came to a conclusion that she probably wouldn’t make it unless the infant suddenly got survival instincts.
“Luna, may we eat with you? I’m Jisoo and this is my sister Lisa.” The little boy says, smiling brightly when Jungkook nods, guiding Lisa to sit next to him and the three form a semicircle. “Why is that pup so sickly?” Jungkook asks, pointing to Nayeon as the baby stares intensely at him. “That’s Nayeon. Her mommy died and she doesn’t want to eat anymore.” Jisoo says, taking a bite of his meat, tearing off small pieces for Lisa, who happily chews while staring Jungkook’s protruding belly, giggling to herself. “Maybe she will eat some fruit. Can you bring her over here?” Jungkook asks and Jisoo nods, looking for a place to set his meat, eventually settling for handing it to his sister before walking to Nayeon and lifting her up with ease. “She usually screams when we hold her, but she hasn’t drank water for two sunrises.” Jungkook’s eyes widen in shock as his gaze goes back to the infant who stares at him from the ground before she reaches her arms up. By now, most of the pack was watching, trying to see what their Luna would do for the suffering child. They saw Nayeon be picked up without her crying, so they were all curious. “Hello~” Jungkook coo’s, pulling her into his arms and bouncing her a little, smiling brightly when her lips twitch upwards. “She almost smiled!” Jisoo exclaims, clapping his hands and going back to eating. What truly shocks everyone in the pack is when Nayeon sniffs Jungkook and starts squirming in his grip while whimpering, tears falling down her face. The pack stands stock still at the cries coming from the child, not because they were worried about upsetting the Luna, but because they were cries of hunger as she tried to move herself to one of Jungkook’s now leaking teats. Jungkook stares in shock for a moment before snapping out of it and smiling. He lays on the ground on his side and guides Nayeon to one of his teats, cradling her head as she looks up and tries to latch, eventually figuring it out and suckling away as she kneads the Lunas milk out. Jungkook gently releases her head, flinching when she bites down a little too hard to stay latched before he starts eating his food and sighs, feeling content as he lets out little purs. After recovering from shock, Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi make their way to the content group that become less content at the presence of dominants. “Will you eat some meat to get more nutrients? Being pregnant with wolf pups and nursing a pup will make you sick if you don’t.” Jin asks and the omega frowns before nodding, allowing the elder omega to hand him a few pieces of cooked meat. “It doesn’t smell good~” Jungkook whines, pulling off a piece and putting it in his mouth, trying to chew before giving up and swallowing. “He is going to puke that up.” Namjoon says, taking the rest of the meat away as his mate pets their adopted pup. “Alpha, can we take her to the river?” Jungkook asks, trying to wipe away some of the thick dirt on her face as she aggressively tries getting more milk from his now empty teat, eventually releasing with a ‘pop’ and screaming for more, which shocks Jungkook as he frantically sits up and cradles her to his chest and puts another of his teats against her mouth, rubbing her lips with the dripping milk until she calms down enough to latch. “Sure, but maybe we should go while she is still nursing so we don’t have to worry about her getting upset about changing her scenery.” Namjoon says, remembering how members of the pack would try to take her to bathe, but the unhappy whines and sobs turned into full screaming when she left the packs location. Jungkook shrugs in acceptance, reaching his free arm out for help up and shocks everyone when he only wobbles a slight amount before starting to walk. “Is that an omega thing?” Namjoon asks and Jin pats his little brothers shoulder, “Once an omega officially has a pup, their bodies start to heal twice as fast since the smell of an omega giving birth tends to stay in the air for a few sunrises and attracts other dominants.” Jin says, grabbing Jisoo and Lisa's hand to lead them back to their mom.

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