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“Kookie, wake up. We have to go get cleaned up.” Namjoon whispers, gently caressing Jungkook's cheek. “I hurt, alpha.” Jungkook whimpers, opening his eyes to show twin waterfalls. “I know, but getting cleaned up should hel-” The alpha starts, but has to pull the omega off of the bed as he starts gagging, puking on the ground as soon as he is moved. “Sorry.” Jungkook groans before puking again.
Once the vomiting stops, Namjoon lifts him to his chest and stands. Abandoning the thought of a cover and just pulling a clean fur over the omegas back to cover them both before walking out of the hut. “I’m sick.” Jungkook grumbles into the elders neck. “No, you’re carrying pups and your body is accepting my mark.” Namjoon states, standing at the door of his betas hut. “Holy crap, he is pregnant.” Jin  gasps when his eyes land on the younger omega. “Yeah, we know. I have to go clean him, but can you please gather some clean furs for our hut? I need to wash the ones we had throughout the week.”
“I will get those out and replace them, but go clean him up, feed him, and then you will give him to me for a while so you can go for the pack run tonight.” Jin states and Namjoon groans, looking up to see the full moon starting to appear. Namjoon nods his thanks before turning on his heel and leaving for the river. “Alpha, will I get to see Jiminie today?” Jungkook asks, sitting up in his mates hold as he starts to feel better. “Maybe, they said they wanted to meet again, but I don’t know how we would communicate a gathering.” Namjoon says, but is shocked when he gets to the river and instantly scents the bears and chipmunk on the border. “Jungkook!” Jimin squeals, bounding out of the bushes and stopping about a foot in front of the wolf and bunny.
“May I play with him now? My alphas want to talk to you.” Jimin says and Namjoon nods, placing Jungkook on the browning grass with Jimin next to him before making his way to the border. “You’re pregnant.” Jimin states, moving the fur so he can rub the bunnies stomach. “Yeah and the pups are making me sick.” Jungkook frowns, scooting forward and laying his head on the chipmunks shoulder. “That should be over soon. The sickness only lasts for the first week after heat, but then there is about two moon cycles of slight discomfort and hunger. Then your size is the only way to tell when you’re due. I am on my second moon cycle and since I have at least two pups, I have two more moons before I could give birth.” Jimin informs and starts feeling over the youngers stomach to see his size and giggles, “You’re going to have a litter!” Jimin says, frowns before helping Jungkook’s cramped belly and massaging it.

Meanwhile, Namjoon was getting a life lesson from bears. “In about a week, your mate is going to be horny beyond belief and yes, he already smells great to you, but unmated wolves of any rank will be extremely attracted to his scent because he is a pregnant prey, so don’t leave him alone.” Taehyung states and Namjoon groans, “Between Jungkook being pregnant during winter and Seokjin going to give birth during winter, we are going to have a food shortage.” Namjoon groans and the two bears eyes widen, “There is another omega in your pack?”
“Yeah, a wolf omega. He is my older brother, but his mate is my beta, so me being the past alphas first born alpha, the pack is now mine. Do you know of ways to preserve fruits?” Namjoon says and the other two shrug, “Drying them might work. You only have about a month to figure this stuff out, so if you need anything, you or one of your packs omegas can come and Jimin will smell you and let us know.” Hoseok says and once Namjoon thanks him, they sit in silence for a few moments until they are interrupted by the sound of gagging, resulting in the three alphas jumping up and rushing to the two omegas.
“Hoseokie, Taetae, Jungkookie needs some ginger root. I have some planted under the big root of the Pine Tree.” Jimin says, holding Jungkook’s ears away from the youngers mouth. “A-Alph-alpha,” Jungkook stutters out, gagging between syllables and collapsing against the alpha when arms wrap around his waist. “I’m here, I’m here.” Namjoon says soothingly, petting the youngers hair as he shakes with weakness. “His pups are developing very fast. . . . How long are wolves pregnant?” Jimin asks and Namjoon raises an eyebrow, “Three moon cycles, why?”
“Well, bunnies cannot handle very long pregnancies, so they have an average pregnancy of one moon cycle, like chipmunks. You have three weeks at the very least, but half way through next moon cycle would need to be the end of the pregnancy or his body may not be able to handle the size of the pups.” Jimin said and Namjoon nearly passes out. “Okay, you calm him down however you need to while we go get some herbs you will need for a rodent hybrids pregnancy.”
Namjoon nods and strips Jungkook of the furs before carrying the young bunny to the river, chuckling at Jungkook’s whines about the temperature. “Yes, but it will get rid of the sticky.”
Jungkook whines again, but doesn’t voice any complaints.

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