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“Cold~!” Jungkook whines as Namjoon tries to place him in the small lake for cleansing purposes. “Jungkook, get in the water.” Namjoon growls, his eyes widening at his mates whimpers of fear and discomfort as Jungkook quickly sits, the water coming up to his chest. “I’m sorry, Kookie. I didn’t mean to, my rutt is coming, so my alpha voice tends to slip.” Namjoon explains, taking off his cover and sitting in the water with his omega. ‘Alpha has big feel-good parts’ Jungkook thinks, staring at Namjoons penis, wondering what the other parts were. He had seen some of his male fluffle with them, but he never knew what they were, “Alpha, what are those?” Jungkook asks, poking Namjoons ballsack, making the elder groan as everything in his lower region tightens. “Testicles. They make the stuff you need to carry my pups.”
“I want alphas pups.” Jungkook says, basically just confirming the fact for the elder. “I know, but we need to wait until your heat so my knot doesn’t hurt you too much, now let’s get you clean; you smell like dried slick.”

“Chipmunk?” Jungkook says, his head snapping up from his pile of flowers as he catches a scent on the air. Namjoon had left him to a flower field while he went in search of a meal, so now the the omega has been alone for awhile, he is startled by the scent of another prey hybrid. The young omega searches his surroundings before zeroing in on a rustling bush, hopping up to it and peeking through to see a chubby cheeked chipmunk, covered in bear musk. “Bunny!” The chipmunk exclaims with a smile, jumping through the bush and tackling Jungkook. The bunnies eyes swell with tears in fear of being hurt again, but the other boy notices and stops. “Are you okay? My name is Jimin and I didn’t want to disturb you from eating, but I have never seen another omega and I was excited, so when you got close I wanted to hug you, but maybe I should have asked and you’re really cute, I’m sorry about rambling, my alphas usually stop me before I can get to this point.” Jimin-the chipmunk-says, frowning at Jungkook's tears. Jimin quickly gets off of Jungkook and the bunny takes the chance to sniff over the newcomer, who was also naked. “Pups.” Jungkook mutters as he passes over Jimin’s slightly jutted out stomach. “Where is your alpha? You smell like wol-” Jimin starts, but is cut off by three growls, sounding through the flower field. Jimins ears perk up at the sound of his alphas, while Jungkook gasps and tries to hide behind the other. “You’re on my territory.” Namjoon growls, stepping into view, but keeping his distance from Jungkook and Jimin, not wanting to piss off the two bears by getting too close to their omega. “Our omega smelt yours and ran off, we just followed, no harm, no hunting.” A tall bear says, stepping into view as well with another behind him. “Jungkook, come here.” Namjoon says in a low voice, his eyes widening when the response he receives is a frown. ‘Maybe I can show him what I want’ Thought Jungkook as he moves bside Jimin so Namjoon can see them both, “Alpha, I want this.” Jungkook states, pointing at the mating marks on Jimin’s neck, the chipmunk giggling at the youngers light, ticklish fingers. “Seokie, Tae tae! He is an omega too!” Jimin says and hugs Jungkook, both suddenly gasping and tightening their grips on each other when aggression fills the air, all three alphas growling and only taking one step forward. “Bad for the pups, stop being mean!” Jungkook yells and Namjoon instantly stops, turning his attention off of the bears. “Kookie, you don’t have pups.” Namjoon says and Jungkook shakes his head, “Jimin's pups! Like Jinnie, just not as big.” Jungkook clarifies and Namjoon sighs, sitting on the ground since there was no chance of Jungkook getting hurt by one of the others unless he got too close to Jimin. “Where is the world did you find an omega?” Hoseok asks, walking around the bonding omegas with Taehyung to Namjoon. “His fluffle abused and abandoned him. Now he is my mate.” Namjoon says and the two bears raise an eyebrow, “You call him your mate, but you haven’t mated or marked him.”
“With great struggle, too. His leg was just finished healing today since I found him a week ago. I am waiting for his heat.” The wolf admits, freezing with wide eyes; the bears following suit.
“Minie, not my ears~” Jungkook whines with a red face, since he had just moaned from the chipmunk scratching them. “Sorry, but they’re so soft!” Jimin giggles, reaching for them again, but Jungkook lets out a high pitched whine, backing away. “Alright, this is done, you three can go back to your territory, I have to get him to eat.” Namjoon says, standing up and accidentally releasing the slightest amount of pheromones. Jungkooks head snaps up at the scent and he can’t stop the slick that starts dripping out, “Seokie, Tae tae, we have to go.” Jimin says, easily noticing the scent of pre-heat slick. “Yo, Namjoon, bring Jungkook here again in a couple of weeks so he and Jimin can hang out some more.” Hoseok says as he and Taehyung walk around the edge of the field to the border, Jimin running to join them. “Make him over eat so he doesn’t lose weight during the heat.” Taehyung warns as they leave.
“Alpha, why did you do that?” Jungkook asks, reffering to the pheromones. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but you got pleasured by someone else and my instincts took over.” Namjoon says, lifting the omega into his arms, thanking the cloth for covering his erection from the scent of slick and the fact that Jungkook was trying to scent him. “Bunny, why are you scenting me?” Namjoon asks as fluffy ears tickle his nose. “We got a bath and you don’t smell like me anymore.” Jungkook says, continuing to rub his face on Namjoons neck. “Well, I will scent you when we get back to the hut if you eat enough food to make your belly extend.” The alpha says, sitting down where he had left his prey next to a berry bush and an apple tree.
“Really?” Jungkook exclaims and when he receives a nod, he hops in excited circles for a moment before going to the bush and quickly eating berries until he decides to move to the tree, ignoring that Namjoon was slightly covered in blood.

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