Day 4

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chapter 5: memory 4


"Do you wanna pick or do you want me to do it?" I ask Mary while we stand at the top of the hill on the fourth day.

"You can," she says, biting her lip and staring at the jar, "I mean, I will if you don't want to... but if you want to pick you can."

I laugh. I can tell that she wants to pick this time but she is too shy to speak for herself. I hate the fact that she's even shy around me now. Before, she was very quiet and shy but not around me. But I guess it's not about before anymore; before is in the past and now I need to work on the present. Getting Mary to remember.

"Just pick one, Mary." I say with a smile and she nods, sticking her tiny hand in the jar and her fingers slide over a few papers, until she grabs a light blue slip of paper and pulls it out.

"Memory number twenty," she says, "nerf gun war?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

I sigh because I know there's nothing special about the 'Nerf gun war' that will make her remember anything. But I have to because we have to get through all the memories. "Let's go." I say and start walking back down the hill.

"Go where?" she asks while trying to catch up to me.

"To Diana's. That's where this memory was because it was Diana's idea." I say as we walk to my car. I send a quick text to our purple-haired friend, telling her that we were going to stop by her house.

We get to Diana's house and when she sees Mary she pulls her into a hug. Mary awkwardly hugs her back and looks to me for help. I try not to laugh as I pull Diana off of her. "I think that's enough, she barely knows you remember?"

"Oh, right." She frowns, pulling away from Mary and letting us into her house.

"This is where we had a 'nerf gun war'?" Mary asks while looking around, noticing all the glass decorations and vases around Diana's living room.

"No, we had it in the basement." She laughs, gesturing for us to follow her downstairs. When we get down there, we all sit down and I begin to tell Mary about that day, Diana helping me out with remembering that day also.

Memory #20: Nerf Gun War

Cameron, Mary, Diana, Aaron, Matt, and Raine all sat around in Diana's basement just hanging out. Diana had just suggested they have a Nerf Gun war with her younger brother's many Nerf guns he has in his room.

"Last time I checked we weren't eight years old." Raine comments after hearing the idea.

"Shut up." Diana frowns. Nobody ever likes her ideas.

"It sounds kinda fun, actually." Cameron speaks up and Mary agrees with him.

The girl with the purple hair cheers to herself and stand up, going to get the stuff. Aaron stands up too and goes to help his girlfriend. When they come back, they hand everyone their own gun.

Mary got a big gun, smiling to herself that she had a slight advantage. Diana gave Raine the smaller gun because of her complaining. Everyone else got a decent sized gun with the same amount of bullets. To make things even better, they had shields to guard themselves.

"Should we have teams?" Matt asks.

They all agree on having partners and of course, the two couples pair up so Mary and Cameron are together. They would have chosen each other anyway.

"We're team Maine." Raine says while waving her hand back and forth between her and Matt.

"What does Maine mean?" Matt asks her.

"It's our ship name, stupid." She rolls her eyes at her boyfriend and he just laughs at her, kissing his forehead.

"Then we're Team Daaron." Diana says.

Mary and Cameron look at each other and shrug. "Cary...?"

"Or we could be Camry! Isn't that a type of car?" Cameron asks.

Mary giggles. "Let's just be Cary."

"Okay you two, are you done?"

Mary blushes as Cameron laughs. Minutes later, they've started their little war and the orangish colored bullets are flying at each other. The teenagers couldn't stop laughing as they ran around the basement, shooting foam bullets at each other.

"I don't have any bullets left!" Mary screeches as both Matt and Raine corner her. "Just get it over with." she says dramatically, closing her eyes and waiting for the bullet to hit her. But it doesn't, instead she feels a gust of air in front of her before she opens her eyes. She sees Cameron jumping in front of her as the bullet hits him in the eye.

It all ended with Cameron holding his eye as it watered like crazy, the rest of them laughing at the event that had just occurred.


Cameron's POV

"I doubt that will make you remember." I say after we're done reliving that moment. Diana and I had started laughing just by talking about the time I got hit in the eye.

"That sounded like a lot of fun," Mary says. "I wish I remembered it."

"It's okay, you'll get your memory back I promise." I assure her and she just smiles. It's not a genuine smile. I can tell she doesn't believe me. That's when I decide it's time to go. "Come on, we need to get you home."

Diana stands up, walking upstairs with us to let us out. "Thanks for coming over guys."

"See you later." I say and Mary waves to her as we walk back outside. When we get in my car and we're driving again, Mary speaks up.

"Are you taking me home?"

"Yeah," I say and when I see her look down at her hands I add, "unless you don't want to go home. You can come over, you know."

She nods and I take that as she wants to come to my house. I don't blame her for not wanting to be at home right now. I glance at her hand and the urge to reach over and hold it in mine is still there but I have to ignore it. I have to keep reminding myself that she barely knows me.

But that's the thing; she knows me better than she knows herself. She just doesn't know it.


I know people don't really like this story and not very many people read it, but I'm going to continue it anyway because I have big plans for it. (:


p.s. I didn't edit this chapter because i didnt feel like it oK bye

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