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last chapter gasp


Cameron's POV

I haven't kissed her in so long. I almost forgot what it felt like with her perfect, plump lips against mine but while kissing her I remembered exactly why I would never forget the feeling. One of my hands wrapped around her small body and pulled her more towards me, and the other hand went up to cup her cheek. Our lips moved so perfectly against each other's the first time we kissed, and now she just seemed unsure. That did not stop her from kissing me back, though.

When she pulls back, the warmth of her is no longer against me as she backs away. I look at her, and she stares right back at me. It didn't work. That kiss meant nothing to her. It was not enough to bring back any memories, which made me feel like I wasn't enough.

"I am never going to remember anything." she says.

I wanted to tell her to stop being so negative, and I wanted to tell her she would remember everything. But I didn't want to lie to her.


As I lay in bed that night, I find myself not being able to drift off to sleep. I can't even keep my eyes closed for a long amount of time. I always end up with my eyes wide open, staring up at the cieling. It's around three in the morning when I give up on sleep and get out of bed.

I pull on sweatpants and a hoodie, my hair a mess and my body exhausted from the lack of sleep I've been getting. I grab my phone and shove it into my pocket, quietly making my way through the house and out the back door.

The sound of nighttime surrounds me as I walk through my backyard. The moon is half covered by clouds, but the stars make the dark sky shine just enough. I walk up the grassy hill, forcing my legs upwards until I reach the top. When I am all the way up, I lay on my back and stare at what's above me.

I let out a loud, frustrated noise that seems to be a mix of a sigh and a groan. Summer is almost over, and I will be going to college.

All that time I spent trying to get Mary's memory back was all for nothing.

As I think and think and think, basically driving myself insane, I finally come to the realization that I, Cameron Dallas, have ruined the life of Mary Brooks.

It is my fault that she'll never be able to treasure childhood memories and teenage memories.

I pull out my phone for a distraction from my thoughts, and my eyes go wide after seeing I had four missed calls from Mary herself. Before I get a chance to call her back, I hear her calling my name.

"Cameron!" she yells and I turn around. She is desperately running up the hill, her tangly chestnut hair blowing behind her. "Cameron Alexander Dallas, my best friend since second grade." she says, completely out of breath as she reaches the top of the hill.

I am shocked and confused as I stare at her, but she keeps going.

"I was six and you were seven," she breathes, her chest going up and down at a rapid pace. "I've lived in that beat up house ever since my dad died, and he died of a drunken car accident. Your parents built your house and you've lived there with your older sister all your life until she moved out. It was always you and your parents, your parents constantly fighting and you constantly crying. I was there for you ever since that first day we met. We were in the classroom on the first day of school and you shared your crayons with me.

"We became close so fast, realizing we lived by each other when we walked home from school together. In freshman year you punched a guy in the face for trying to force me into making out with him. We-"

"Mary, stop, what? Calm down, I- what is going on?!"

Was Mary actually telling memories herself that I have never told her before?

"I remember everything, Cam." she says, throwing her arms around me. I stumble back a bit, but I hug her back. She digs her head in my neck and my eyes close.

I am so relieved.

"I love you." she whispers. "I remember how much I love you."

"I love you too, Mary. God, I can't believe this. How-?"

"Shut up." she interrupts, pulling away with her arms still around my neck. "Shut up. Kiss me."

I do exactly that. I lean down and kiss her, so happy and so relieved and so filled with emotions I can't even name.

When she pulls away all too soon, she says "Oh, and I remember you pushing me into the fountain when we were ten."

I chuckle. "I apologize, my love."

She then pulls away from me like I just burned her or something. She stares at me like I am some kind of monster.

"And I remember how you broke your promise." her voice is different, something in her I have never heard before. "How you put me through physical and mental pain, when you spent eighteen years promising that's the opposite of what you'd do."

"Mary, I-"

"I hate you Cameron Dallas." are the last words I hear before my eyes shoot open and I'm blinded by the sunlight shooting through my bedroom window.



it's over

ha ha ha

if ur confused, mary DID NOT get her memory back :-) cameron was dreaming that she got her memory back and it turned into a semi-nightmare.





32 Memories - Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now