Chapter 2: First Lesson

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Chapter 2: First Lesson

He was leaning against a shiny grand piano, holding a book of sheet music. I froze in the doorway, captured in melting gold. . .

Wake up, Bella! I must have been standing there for at least two minutes. We both didn't move. There was a connection running between us, one I most certainly didn't want to break. It was like we were finally getting along. I reveled in it for as long as I hoped before I broke it.

"Hello," I said quietly, with a slight smile. He stood up straighter and placed the book on top of the piano.

"Come on in," he said in his beautiful voice. We had talked once before, but his voice was still as amazing and new as if I'd never heard it before. I walked in and closed the door behind me. He tensed and walked over to open the small window on the other side of the room. Once again, I wondered if I smelled bad. Of course I didn't! This guy had problems.

I was going to say something, but he saved me from the embarrassment of trying to talk with him around. "I never expected you to show up here."

"I could say the same about you," I replied. I believed I was more correct than he was. Just looking at him, it was obvious didn't belong here. I fit in here more than he did. He didn't disagree with my statement.

He walked back to the piano and sat down on the matching glossy bench. He turned to face me with a genuinely curious look on his face.

"Why do you want to play?"

"Um. . ." I was incredibly nervous. Ever since that moment of peace had been broken, there were mutant butterflies flying around in my stomach. But I had to answer him.

"I, uh, love music. I've always wanted to make my own, and I figured it would be easier if I knew how to play." I didn't tell him about how I loved the feeling of playing and singing along. He seemed skeptical, as if he knew I wasn't telling him everything. Perceptive. Freaky. He slowly nodded while thinking about what to do with me.

"Alright. Let's see what you know."

Luckily, I already knew some music theory. After I had named all of the keys that he played and named notes on the staff, we moved on to step-wise movement. I had become more comfortable now that music had been played and walked over and sat next to him on the bench. He didn't seem to like that. He pinched the bridge of his nose as if he was trying to calm himself down.

He cleared his throat. "Bella, I, uh, have a severe case of claustrophobia with people." Seriously? I gave him a look, but didn't say anything. I got up and leaned against the piano and stared at him, hoping to portray my annoyance and incredulity at his horrible lies. It worked; he looked away.

I just rolled my eyes and laughed a short laugh. There was something seriously wrong with him, and I was going to figure it out. He looked back at me, but I just gestured for him to continue with his lesson.

We were just about to start playing basic songs, much farther than anyone ever got on their first lesson. He said he was impressed with what I could do, and my heart exploded. It was already beating fast by just being around him, but a small compliment shouldn't have done that. I guessed we were both weird. Perfect . . . for each other.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. I did not and would not think that way about Edward. It just wasn't right. I looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was 7:30. Crap! We had been so wrapped up in the lesson that neither of us had even thought about the time. I pointed it out to him and he said that we were done for the day. He looked tired and a little . . . sad? I couldn't understand it.

He walked me to the door of the room and opened the door for me. I didn't want to leave yet. And that was a bad thing.

I turned around and realized how close he was to me. I almost lost it. I shaped my brain back together so I could bid him farewell.

"Goodbye, Edward."

"Bye, Bella." He ran his fingers through his hair, looking calmer by the second. He had horrible mood swings, but he was amazing. "See you tomorrow."

I turned and walked out of the room in a daze and he closed the door behind me. I had stopped in the hallway on my way to the exit when I heard a song playing from the room I had just left. I had never heard it before, and I knew that Edward was composing a new song. It was beautiful..

It didn't feel right listening to him create something that obviously meant a lot to him. I could tell it did by the sweetness of the tone. I walked into the waiting area and was glad to see there was no one there. It was hard to believe that just three hours ago I had been in here causing a ruckus. I was amazed at the changes I had seen in myself since the short time in which I moved here. Forks was changing me. And so was Edward Cullen.

I went out to the truck and started my drive home. Even though I saw Edward every day, he had promised he would see me tomorrow. That meant I would see him twice a day, every day. Life was about to become very confusing for me.

I got home and apologized to Charlie for being so late. He didn't seem to really even notice I was there. Some game was on. I would never get sports. I went to bed, anxious and overly excited for the weeks to come. I went to sleep and dreamed about people with golden eyes.

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