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„Happy Birthday, Peter." ______
Two weeks. Two weeks passed after everything had happened. The Avengers didn't see Bucky since the fight in the woods. But thanks to Dr. Cho, every injured avenger was healed. Ned had a sister now, called Cathrine 'Cat' Leeds. She had beautiful brown eyes and cute little locks on her little head. You could say, she was the cutest baby you have ever seen.
But this wasn't the reason why Peter Benjamin Parker was happy, today was his 16th birthday. Sixteen. His aunt woke up at 6am to prepare his birthday breakfast. She stood up, put on her red dressing gown and tiptoed into the kitchen. She started to took the ingredients out of the kitchen cupboard and put them all into the plastic bowl and mixed them together, still trying to not wake her nephew up. She then grabbed another dish and baked something else.
While she did that, her nephew was sleeping in his bed. His eyes were closed, and his messy brown locks pointing in all directions. His blanket was on the floor, his one hand was touching the ground while the other was on his chest. A ringing at 7:20 am woke him up, he opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the brightness. His window was like alway open, no curtains were blocking the sight, so the sun could shine into his room. He stretched his body and yawn, he was too lazy to stand up.
May was entering the room, seeing her nephew laying in his bed, eyes opened. She went towards him, helping him to stand up. His eyes widened, and a huge smile was on his lips.
"Happy Birthday, Peter.", she said giving him a kiss on his cheek, and hugging him tight.
"I'm sixteen. I'M SIXTEEN.", he ran out of his room, towards the kitchen. When May entered the kitchen she saw her nephew sitting on the kitchen counter, eating pancakes. She laughed at the sight and gave him a something to drink.
"Peter, You're getting your present later.", she said, disappointing him. He climbed down the counter, and walked towards her, crossing his arms.
"Wha- why?", she just laughed and hugged him. "Aunt May, why can't you give me my present now?"
"Cause I want you to get all your presents at the same time. I invited a few friends of yours today.", she said, hugging him goodbye before going out to work.
Peter walked back into his room, changing his PJs into a flannel shirt and a jeans. He packed his back, took a few Pancakes with him and left the apartment. Locking the door, he walked to the Bus station.
"Happy Birthday, Peter.", Ned and he did their secret Handshake. They entered the yellow school bus, and started talking about the Avengers, Peter training Gwen how to use her powers and what the first two weeks of Cat were like. Ned had shown Peter pictures of Cat.
Behind them sat Gwen and MJ, Gwen was on her Phone, scrolling through Instagram while MJ read her book. They got interrupted when Ned and Peter turned around to face them.
"Happy Birthday, Peter.", Gwen said smiling at him. MJ just looked up, mouthing a 'Happy Birthday, Loser', before looking down at her book again. But Peter appreciated anyway.
Gwen wore a short blue dress, and a blue bow in her hair, while MJ wore a black T-shirt and a ripped black jeans. She had white headphones put around her neck. Peter smiled at her, and watched her eyes moving from word to word. He noticed how her lips moved, like she was reading the words out loud, but without a sound.
The blond girl and his best friend watched how Peter admired the brown haired girl. They both looked to each other, knowing what the other was thinking. Gwen stood up, bringing Peter back to reality. She took her backpack, and walked out of her seat.
"Peter can we switch seats?", she didn't wait for an answer, cause Ned was pushing Peter out of his seat, letting Gwen take the seat. Peter giving him the What-the-hell-glare. He then sat on Gwen's old seat.
"Sup' loser.", MJ didn't even looked up from her book, but he could see her smiling.
Gwen and Ned high-fived each other, and started talking about the invite from May. The young hero didn't want to hear anything about it, so he tuned it out. He plucked in his earphones into his phone and started to play his playlist, but still watched MJ reading her book. He could see, how she wrote a few things on the margin, noticing how beautiful her writing was. But what the boy didn't notice was, that the girl, he was staring on, looked at him. A blush creeping up on her face, but she could hide it with her hair.
"Hey.", she whispered, taking him back. He smiled at her, blushing, because he got caught.
"Hey.", they were staring at each other, but no one noticed. "Uh, what book are you reading?", he asked.
"to kill a mockingbird.", she said, showing him the first page. "What are you listening to?", she asked, putting her book back into her backpack.
"Preach by Keiynan Lonsdale.", and so they talked about everything under the sun. A few laughs here and there, and a few 'Loser's later, the bus finally stopped at Midtown high. But the two Lovebirds stayed at the bus, till everyone was out.
At lunch Peter got a message from Tony saying that he should come after school to the compound. Peter replied with a 'yes' and continued talking with Ned. Gwen and MJ sat directly in front of them, talking about equality and woman's rights. Yes, you heard right, Gwen was a feminist like MJ was one, that why they were like 'good friends'. MJ still wasn't sure, if she really had friends.
During their talk, Peter glanced a few time to MJ, seeing her laugh. He then turned back to Ned, who started to tell him about his new computer.
"Hey, Penis, when we win the competition and go to the SI, do we get to see your old pal Tony Stark, oh wait, it's all a lie.", Flash and his friends sat at the table next to them, laughing. Peter rolled his eyes, trying to ignore him. "And you can ask your friend Spider-Man if he wants to swing by.", on of his friend's continued.
"You're just jealous that he got an internship, and not you.", Gwen turned to them, narrowing her eyes.
"Why should I be jealous, I mean, I'm smarter then him, way smarter.", Flash laughed, opening his bottle and drinking out of it. (Stay hydrated, kids.)
"Yeah, you're right Flash, that's why Peter is at the decathlon team and you're just the alternate.", MJ spoke, and smirked.
"You're just saying that Cause you're crushing on him, Michelle.", with that, the whole cafeteria stared at them. Peter looked at MJ, who still was casually sitting on her seat.
"And if, would it kill you?", his eyes widened. Flash mouth stood open, and MJ was smiling at her answer.
"Go to hell, Jones.", he said, embarrassed by her.
"Flash, If I want to commit suicide, I would climb up your ego and jump to your IQ. It's more then enough to legitimately kill someone.", with that she stood up and left the whole cafeteria speechless.
______ Hey, And welcome to Chapter seventeen. First of all I want to thank Melody_Castellan for using her comment. (BTW it's the one from MJ.) I hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay hydrated kids. That's important!!!! Bye and have and amazing and wonderful and MARVELous day.