the move

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Oh gosh looking back now, this is so fucking cringey. I'm sorry if you choose to read this, know I was thirteen, and had no idea how to write. 

July 24, 2018

Today I finally get to go to Italy. It's always been a dream of mine. Senior year of high school ended two weeks ago, and I've finally saved enough money to go.

"Valentina, babe, you're going to be late," said my two-year long boyfriend Alex. I ran downstairs faster then I have in a long time. I hurried and kissed my Nonna and Nonno on the cheek, and said "Ti amo, visitatemi presto?" "Sì, ti amo" they had replied. I hurried in the passenger seat. I was beyond excited, although Alex didn't look too happy.

"Alex, I know I'm going to be far away, but as soon as your brother graduates high school, you can come and live with me."

"But I don't want to wait that long. I love you, and I'm going to miss you a lot"

"Awe, babe I love you too, a lot, and I'll miss you so much, but guess what, it'll only be a year and we'll be in each other's arms soon." I had said. Finally, we got to the airport, we were slightly late, but not too much.


Will all passengers going to Venice, Italy, please board the plane now.

"Alright well, I guess this is goodbye," said Alex. I quickly replied, "not goodbye, just a see you soon, I love you, with all my heart."

We kissed, and it sadly did almost seem like a goodbye kiss, I will miss him. So much, but I need to go to Italy, I have to, I've always wanted to and it's coming true. I must go, and I'm not letting anyone try to tell me otherwise.


After about an eleven-hour plane ride, we landed. I got off and got my bags. I head straight to the front doors. It was night here because I had left in the morning, in Ohio. It was gonna take some time to get used to the time difference but it'll be alright. Earlier this month I was looking at good apartments. I bought a small apartment, that could fit exactly me and a friend, or a dog. I also applied for a job while looking for apartments. I got a taxi, and I was off to my new apartment to sleep.


I woke up feeling slightly tired. Not much. The rest of my things will be arriving eventually. I was able to pack an air mattress so I had something to sleep on. Today I unpack some essentials and go grocery shopping. I was given extra money from my grandparents so I could buy food and rent for at least a month before I get a job. I got dressed in a black & white striped crop top, with black sweatpants, and some Adidas. Then threw my shades on, and put my mini backpack on and I set out.

As I was walking to the store, I noticed how close the store was to my home, and how far the job I applied for was. I'll definitely have to take a bus or something to get there in time. I finally made it. I only got lost four times. I got the normal stuff; milk, bread, cereal, meat, water, eggs, vegetables and fruits, deodorant, toilet paper, etc. I luckily was able to get a taxi to take me home, I set the bags on the counter, and checked my phone. I had some texts from Strawberry and Alex. 

Strawberry: Hey babe, how's Italy so far? Any cute guys catch your eyes yet?

Me: We've been over this love, I'm in love with Alex. He's number one. And Italy is pretty good so far. I'm very happy.

Strawberry: Good you, definitely deserve happiness. I'm happy for you. I've got to go now, talk to you later love.

Me: Alright babes talk to you later.

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