Pain and Peace

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The roof is vacant, aside from two individuals. Shu and Zac. A light sprinkle of rain is falling from the black, cloud-covered sky, sending chills down their backs. They throw up the hoods on their cloaks in an attempt to block it. The night is so cold that their breath is visible in the darkness, despite it only being mid-autumn.

"How are we going to do this?" Shu asks, his voice carrying through the darkness like a flowing river.

Zac looks back and forth, breathing so heavily it's almost paranoia. "I'm not completely sure. I don't know Lui's weakness. It's clearly not a person, since Lui can't form a bond with anybody." Zac shivers. "He hurt them again. He knows that my power grows weaker every time I heal them."

Shu sighs. "Valt is ecstatic. He's been waiting for this night his whole life. Little does he know what Lui's planning."

"Little does he know what we're planning." Zac looks at the clock. "One-thirty. That should be plenty of time for us to plan our attack."

Shu looks around, but for a different reason than Zac did. "I'm not so sure about this, Zac."

Zac tilts his head, staring at Shu blankly but curiously. "Why not?"

"It feels... wrong. We're trying to prevent Lui from harming anyone by... harming Lui."

Zac looks off the roof at the cold, wet pavement below. "Let's face it, Shu. Lui deserves what he's about to get. Once we're done with him, I'm sure his soul is headed straight for Hell." He turns and meets Shu's eyes. "Most people redeem themselves before death. Lui doesn't deserve redemption."

Shu bites his lip. "It just... it goes against my morality."

Zac chuckles. "Morality. Let's face it, Shu. None of the Supreme Four have morals. Lui is sadistic and cruel. Right now, I'm nothing but an empty shell. Xander is the king of destruction. And you... you're a genius. Geniuses don't usually connect well with others."

Shu falls silent. He can't argue with Zac on that. "So, who's this person you know? You said you knew someone that would help us."

"I remember what I said. I got into contact with them earlier today. They said they don't have power until the Blading Hour begins, so we have to wait for them."

Shu swallows. "I wonder when Lui will get here."

"Early. Around two-thirty, I'm sure." Zac stares into the distance. "And once he does, it'll be the perfect time to kill him."

"Kill who?"

Shu and Zac freeze. They both know who's there, yet they slowly turn around anyway. Standing in the doorway of the rooftop is Lui Shirosagi. He's smirking amusedly. "Kill who? I'm very curious about who you two could possibly be planning to kill."

Zac stays quiet. So does Shu.

"It isn't me, is it?" Lui takes a step closer, resting a hand over his chest. "No, it can't be. You two can't possibly be conspiring to kill your leader, can you?"

Shu is starting to tremble, though he tries to force himself to remain still. Zac, however, isn't displaying any fear. He isn't moving at all, and he's staring at Lui so blankly that Shu wishes he could do the same.

"So who are you planning on killing?" Lui continues stepping closer. "I'll get them for you. It's the easiest way."

Zac leans closer to Shu. "Don't say a word," he whispers.

Shu swallows and slightly nods, hoping it's visible to Zac.

"Hey, answer me when I'm talking to you." Lui finally stops walking, and narrows his eyes. "Who are you conspiring against? I'd love to join your little crusade."

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