Good or Evil? (Part 4)

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"Lui, we haven't seen you in ages," Gabe says. "Where have you been?"

Lui glares at him. "Out."

"Well, I knew that." Gabe leans against the wall. "You know, I could kick you off this team if I wanted to."

"But you don't want to, do you?"

"I'm starting to consider it."

Lui growls. "You wouldn't dare."

The rest of Rideout is off on the other side of the room. They're all training, using the equipment that the WBBA provided for them. They're also trying to avoid listening to the conversation that's occurring on the opposite side of the room. It's not easy, though. Especially since Gabe is threatening to kick Lui off the team. That's something that none of the other members would have the courage to do.

"Lui, you never train with us. You tried to kick Shinki off, even though you aren't the captain. You never show up for team matches anyway. There's no point in having you on this team at all. You could compete in the solos without being on our team." Gabe looks Lui dead in the eyes. "Which only makes me more curious. Why did you even join this team anyway?"

Lui's eyes narrow. "You need five members, don't you?"

"I'd have no problem finding another person willing to join our team. Someone who'll actually participate. So tell me, Lui. Why did you join our team in the first place?"

Lui turns back to his training. He starts to ignore him. Gabe has no idea what's going on in Lui's head, and Lui would prefer to keep it that way.

Lui has enough on his mind without worrying about his teammates.

Gabe sighs. "Don't do this, Lui."

"Do what?" Lui snaps.

"Ignore me."

"I'm not."

By this point, the rest of Rideout had stopped training. It's not unusual to hear Gabe and Lui arguing. It is unusual, however, for the argument to last this long. They were all listening, now. And they were all intrigued.

"Then answer my question," Gabe orders. "I'm the captain, here."

"You're the captain of the team. You're not the boss of me."

"You're on this team, aren't you?"

Lui growls and tries to ignore him again.

"Lui, don't ignore me."

Lui doesn't answer. He focuses on his Bey. He needs two things: time to think and time to perfect his launch. He has six people that are out to get him. He's the most powerful member of the Supreme Four. He doesn't necessarily need to worry about what those six people will do to him. Even as a human, there's only one way to kill him, and that would require them knowing what his weakness is.

Weaknesses are tied to what you gave up when you got your immortality. Zac's weakness is his teammates, because they're the only people that truly make him happy. Shu's weakness is his friends as well, specifically Valt and Xander. They remind him of his childhood that he lost. Xander's weakness is being trapped, since he gave up his freedom. Metaphorically, he's in chains, but once he's actually shackled, he's practically nothing.

Lui's weakness, well...

That's something Lui doesn't want to think about.

He secretly hoped that Daigo was kidding when he said that he saw Lui's weakness. If they really do know his weakness, then that could destroy his entire plan and shatter his empire. But Lui does have a handle over them. He has Wakiya.

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