Good or Evil? (Part 1)

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"Are we there yet?!" Valt whines.

"Just a little farther," Lui answers. A grin spreads across his face. In his mind, he's asking the same thing. He's as anxious as Valt is, though for a completely different reason.

Behind them, Zac, Shu, and Xander walk. They're all dead silent. They can't do anything now. They have their plan, they have their strategy, and they have their backup. That's it. That's all they needed. Now, all they can do is wait.

And besides, why talk when there's nothing to discuss?

Shu stares straight ahead. His fists and jaw are both clenched. His heart pounds in his chest, but at the same time, feels like it's stopped. He's fearing for Valt, and himself, but at the same time, he can't wait to see Lui, curled up on the ground in agony, begging for his life to be spared. He then scoffs under his breath. Lui wouldn't beg for his life. Lui would laugh, and shout, "Go ahead! Kill me!" That's the kind of sicko Lui is.

Zac keeps shooting glances at the sky. The stars, unfortunately, continue to twinkle down at him. He sighs. Zac the Sunrise would love the sight of the stars, like eyes, watching him from the Heavens. However, Zachary Kaneguro hates the stars. To him, it means there's still light. If there's still light, there's still pain. And he can't do anything when he's in pain. It also means that the God of Darkness still isn't anywhere nearby, and without him, there's no way to save Valt from Lui's wrath.

Xander is glaring at the back of Lui's head. Lui, one of the few things that can make Xander angry. Sure, he's been frustrated and grumpy before. Losing a match, for example, or when he's worn out from a battle. However, the only time he's furious is when Lui is around, and making him hurt people. Xander clenches his fists. He has his own plan for Lui, and he can't wait to put it into action. Lui's in for it now. Lui may have more power than any of the Supreme Four, but Xander has several other advantages over him: height and physical strength.

"How much farther?!" Valt whines again.

"Just a few more steps." Lui answers. He then stops walking. He looks straight ahead at a tree. "We're here."

Valt stares in confusion. He tilts his head. "Your hideout is a tree?"

Lui looks at him with an exasperated expression. "Yes," he says with a roll of his eyes.

"SERIOUSLY!?" Valt's eyes widen. He turns back to the tree. 

Pure frustration runs through all of Lui's veins. He has to restrain himself. If he couldn't keep his cool, Valt would get strangled right here, right now. "I'm joking, you retard. It's behind the damn tree."

Valt looks around the tree. He can see a door inside of a hill. "Woah! Your hideout is in a hill?! Cool!"

Lui smirks. That's better. Valt isn't being a complete ignoramus. "Yeah. It's underground. You can't see it from the air. You can't see it from behind, either. It's practically invisible. Follow me."

Lui releases Valt's wrist, and walks up to the door. On the door is a strange lock, one that isn't shaped like a key would fit in it. Lui takes his Bey apart and holds the bottom of the top layer against it. The door unlocks with a beep and a green light. Beyond the door is a giant room with a stadium in the center, and training equipment scattered around. The walls are made of stone. The floor is made of wood. There's holders and display cases for Beys and launchers, and a row of chairs along one wall. There's also posters of the Supreme Four and another Beyblade group that Valt didn't know. There's a whiteboard on another wall, and on it are a bunch of numbers that Valt doesn't understand. The last thing Valt notices is a giant TV screen on the final wall.

"Woah... this place is amazing!" Valt says, looking around at everything.

"This is the Supreme Four hideout," Lui says with a grin. "The only time we come here is during the Blading Hour. This is where we train in secret, far away from prying eyes such as yours." Lui frowns. "You're very lucky that the meeting was about you, or something... bad, might've happened to your or your Bey." He smiles again. "But enough about that. Pick a chair, Valt. Take a seat. There's a lot we need to go over."

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