Good or Evil? (Part 3)

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"So what is Lui's weakness?" Shu asks Daigo.

Daigo looks around, to make sure Lui isn't anywhere nearby. "I'm not quite sure how to interpret it. What I saw looked like a flashback."

"You saw Lui as a kid?" Valt asks.

Daigo nods. "Yeah. He was watching a tournament on TV. It was two Bladers I've never seen before. Lui thought they were amazing. It was so weird. He looked... happy. Like, genuine joy. I never thought I'd see that emotion on Lui. He had friends, too, believe it or not. I saw them. He was talking to them, showing them his Bey, all of that stuff. He had parents, that seemed to love him. He was legit adorable." Daigo takes a breath. "I don't know how to interpret that. I saw a few things from his childhood, where he looked happy, and had friends, and talked about all of the Bladers that he thought were cool."

They all stare. They all try to think. "Are you sure that's all you saw?" Shu asks.

Daigo nods again. "Yes."

Zac is standing by a tree, thinking about all of it. He knew for a fact that Daigo has seen his weakness before. "Well, how did you figure out my weakness?" Zac asks.

"Yours was easier to interpret." Daigo looks at Zac. "All that I saw was you and your teammates. I saw you surrounded by fans. I saw you, glowing like the sun itself. It's pretty clear your weakness is how much you care about everyone you love."

There's a moment of silence as Shu thinks. "Have you seen my weakness before?"

Daigo shakes his head. "I never thought to look for yours."

"Have you seen anyone else's weakness before?"

Daigo shuts his eyes and takes a breath. "Listen, guys. I've never looked for your weaknesses. You all are my friends. I wouldn't think to look for your weaknesses, because I have no intention on hurting you. The only reason I looked for Lui's is because we're trying to take him down. And the only reason I saw Zac's was because he asked me what his weakness was, so I looked. Other than that, I've never tried to see anyone else's weakness." Daigo sighs. "Which might not be such a good thing. I have no idea how to interpret Lui's. What I saw might not've been his weakness at all. I don't know."

Zac steps over to them. "It has to be. You were looking for it."

"I know, but sometimes what you find isn't what you were looking for." Daigo shuts his eyes. "I can't see it clearly anymore. The memory is a bit foggy."

Ken speaks through Besu. "Well, is there any way to clear it up?"

Daigo smiles over at him. "There might be. I've never tried."

Valt strains his brain to think, which sort of hurts him, but he deals with it. "Uh... let me think... okay, we could always wait until the Blading Hour again..."

"That'll take too long," Shu says. "We have to know Lui's weakness as soon as possible."

"Okay, well... uh..."

They all think. It's like a game of jeopardy. You can practically hear the music in the background.

Valt perks up. "I've got it!"

They all turn and look at him. "Well, spit it out!" Ken says through Keru.

Valt fidgets and shifts around. "Okay, so, Daigo is the God of Darkness, right?"

"Right..." Everyone says slowly.

Valt scratches the back of his head. "Maybe, if we get him in a dark enough place, the memory will come back!"

"That's..." Daigo stops. He smiles. "Actually brilliant. The closer it gets to sunrise, the more my power fades. Valt might be onto something."

Shu gives Valt a pat on the back. "Good thinking, Valt. That was actually pretty smart of you."

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