Good or Evil? (Part 2)

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They dive for each other. It's hand to hand, man to man combat. Lui bares his teeth like an animal. He's willing to bite through everyone if he has to. They're all screaming and snarling as they claw at each other. The main one that's trying to kill Lui, oddly, isn't Shu. It's Xander.

Xander is the one who's slashing at Lui like Lui killed his father. Lui is laughing, avoiding every attack. It's driving Xander crazy. He spins around, slashing at everything. At this point, he doesn't care who he hits. The only thing that matters is if, by the end of it all, Lui Shirosagi is dead on the floor.

Xander had always loved a good fight. He practically lived at the dojo, and he did so for a reason. Training and Beyblade battling was fun. However, that isn't the main thing that he enjoyed. The dojo teaches more than just Beyblade. It teaches martial arts, and Xander loved martial arts almost as much as he loved Blading. There's a satisfaction you get from sparring and fencing that you don't get from Bey Battling. But this isn't a sparring match. There's no protective gear or set rules. This is a real fight. This is a bloodborne battle with an actual intent on killing your target. This is a battle where the stakes are high, where your life is on the line. Xander's adrenaline rush isn't here to make him enjoy it. It's here to give him the strength and endurance to survive. And survive he will.

Lui is going to die. And Xander will make sure of it.

Shu watches the events unfold before him. Should he attack? Or should he wait and defend? He isn't completely sure. He stands, paces around, watching the fight. He wants Lui to die as much as everyone else, but at the same time, he doesn't want to be reckless. He has to wait for the proper moment to strike. Being careless in this fight could cost you everything, including your life. He looks around at the others, and then back at the fight. He has to wait. He has to do this when the time is right. He can't be careless. He has to strategize, just like if this were a Bey Battle.

Zac is standing back. He has a reason to be, though. His power is getting lower with each minute that passes. He's standing by the God of Darkness, hoping that the power from him will transfer. However, it doesn't seem to be. Zac feels even weaker than normal. All of the power he has is being used to hold his true form. As a human, he's even weaker. That's the most shocking part about this whole thing.

The God of Darkness is watching, too. He's also waiting for the right moment. He can't see Lui's weakness quite yet. Lui isn't showing it. He's masking it with his animalistic nature. He's masking it with the sheer sadism he has. He's masking it with his thirst for blood. He's masking it with his rage, his joy, his euphoria that this fight is giving him. His weakness isn't easily seen. It's hard to spot anything that could possibly take him down. The God of Darkness has to wait until he can see that weakness before he can truly get involved. Every now and again he'll attempt to strike at Lui, just to see if he could scare him. Lui isn't easily frightened.

Wakiya has been waiting for this moment. He flies around, slashing at Lui every once in awhile. However, most of his energy is being focused on keeping himself alive. He isn't attacking Lui so much as defending himself. He doesn't want to leave here with a single scratch on his body. He refuses to take damage. However, he doesn't want to forfeit, either. The only way he's leaving Lui alive is if he himself dies in this fight. However, he doesn't plan on doing that, either.

Amongst it all, Ken and Rantaro sneak for Valt, who's still tied to a chair in the back of the room. They make it to him and start attempting to free him. They tug on the straps and look underneath, trying to figure out a way to unfasten them. Eventually, Ken is the first to figure it out, and he frees Valt with ease.

"Guys, you came to save me..." Valt says in awe.

"Of course we did," Rantaro answers. "You're our friend. Now, we better get out of here before things get any worse."

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